Showing posts with label Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game. Show all posts
Monday, 6 November 2023
The ADHS Diaries - part 17
Here we go with another thrilling instalment of the ADHS Diaries!
A War Transformed
Everything has been prepped for both the French/Mother and German/Horned God forces. I do still have to sand dip the lot though before they can join the priming queue/
The Burning Sands
Those Hunnic Orcs I mentioned previously are all prepped and sand dipped waiting to be sprayed black.
Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game
Well, I came across a couple of cheap second hand minis to add to the Mordor collection - the Mouth of Sauron on foot and an Uruk-Hai Scout Captain with two-handed axe that I will use as a Mordor Uruk-Hai Captain (not decided if I'll dare to convert him slightly yet!)
Of Gods and Mortals
The Japanese force, Gall-Gaedhil and the Dokana are all done and waiting for prime time!
The Silver Bayonet
The various stuff from Magister Militum is prepped and sand-dipped. Well, except the bats and the witches as in the case of the flying models I need a new pin vice and in the case of the cauldron crew witches the stand has (as yet) proven too fiddly to contend with.
Looking Ahead
I am waiting for a little parcel of 3d printed minis that will be going on the 32mm bases I got...although I'll have to wait for Christmas to really get stuck in on this new project (and game!)
Sunday, 15 October 2023
The ADHS Diaries - part 16
It has been a little while but life has been a little tricky to endure recently, and sadly the blog fell down the priority queue for a time!
But I've still been able to get some hobby done, so let's run through what I've been up to!
A War Transformed
Well it was probably inevitable... I got the A War Transformed rulebook and promptly bought a stack of packs from Peter Pig to make up forces of French (Mother) and German (Horned God). I'm still waiting for a 3d printed statue for one of the French units, if it doesn't show up soon I may have to order another unfortunately. I also added a spirit figure from CPModels to the French.
Broken Legions
I found in one of my various drawers of wargaming stuff a Hermes looking mini (think it's Artizan or Crusader) who will become a Demigod auxiliary in our Broken Legions collection!
The Burning Sands
Before they closed I got some ever so slightly Hunnic styled Orc warriors and archers which I've decided will find a home as a possible encounter in the Burning Sands. I also got some ladders from CPModels that I am thinking about keeping unglued to the various buildings I have to allow me to mix up layouts etc.
Burrows and Badgers
I've prepped and primed the Giant Bear (I've called him Worrley) and the alchemist mole (Winthrop Hathawaye), along with a couple of 3D printed market stalls I got a while back.
I've finally prepped the Varcolac, pair of Lacrimosa and the Unholy Union. There's a few random minis I'd like to add across the different factions - I'm also hoping for some new stuff for the Patricians as I need more of them to balance the collection out a little, but I'm not keen on the Guard and Navy sub-themes.
Dracula's America
I picked out the Winged Plagues, Metal Golem and Lord Chompy Bits from my previous post and have based them for Dracula's America - the Winged Plagues I'll make a new creature to use as an Unwelcome Guest, Lord Chompy Bits and the Metal Golem will get stories and stats for use in some kind of special scenarios tbd!
I've prepped and primed whatever was of use from the second hand job lot as well as the Apex keyword stuff I got. Then I went and dropped the tray that I put them on after priming and will have some repair jobs to try to do ๐
Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game
Etsy recently ran a special offer where they took £10 off an order of a certain size. I saw on Threads that this was funded by Etsy itself so decided to add a few more bits to the MESBG collection - 6 Serpent Guard to join the Haradrim, 6 Warg Riders for Mordor and 6 Shieldmaidens (Riders of Rohan). I think I'm pretty much set now, but there's a couple more bits I would really like to add!
Of Gods and Mortals
Well in another one for the 'inevitable' list, I finally got the stuff for a Japanese OGAM force - I've got various ashigaru, samurai and monks from Peter Pig, some Oni, a Kitsune and a Miko from Alternative Armies and, for the gods, Ryujin (a dragon from the CMON game Rising Sun) and I'm waiting for a 3d printed female Inari Okami. I've already got lots of 15mm Japanese scenery for Sengoku Monster Hunter (and Daisho/Ronin), so that can be easily used with these too. I did also get a couple of bits by Baueda from Magister Militum before they closed - a Spartan Dokana (scenery piece that can also be used in Mortal Gods) and a unit of Gall-Gaedhil that I'll use for both our Celtic and Norse forces.
Proxima Centauri
I've got pretty much everything I could need for both Rogue Stars and even Xenos Rampant games in the little sci-fi setting I started making. But I couldn't resist adding a cheeky 28mm walker drone bot thingy from CPModels as another mech!
The Silver Bayonet
I got a few bits from Magister Militum before they shut - mostly dwarves for TSB. I also got various elementals, giant rats, Black Dogs, bats and witches.
Looking Ahead
I'm starting to run out of steam a little on the prep and prime (Operation Winter is Coming 2023) front, but still hope to pick up a couple more things and get them done and sprayed before the weather gets too bad. I'm not sure I'll finish the Malifaux collection in time (Amalgam, Plague, Syndicate, DUA/Umbra, Frontier and Vagrant key words still to do ๐ ) but who knows, right?
Saturday, 29 July 2023
The ADHS Diaries - part 13
It's been a funny old month - signed off sick with work-related stress and depression, the launch of Threads (@alexdoeshobbystuff - it's like wargaming Twitter but without the racism, misogyny and homo/transphobes!), and actually done some painting (shock!!)
Burrows & Badgers
I've ordered a couple of market stalls that I intend to add to the scenery collection for The Bear's Wood. Hopefully they'll look as good as in the photos!
I finally picked up the Lacrimosa to add to the Vatican collection! I also spotted the Varcolac (werewolf) for the Strigoi at a good price so snapped that up at the same time. Finally I figured what the heck and ordered the Unholy Union to add to the Doctors - so many arms to work out where to put!!
Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game
The proxy Outriders, King's Huntsman and some more Rohan warriors with bows arrived and after minimal clean up have been prepped and primed to join their comrades. I also finally got a Shagrat with sword/shield (rather than the one holding the mithril vest which is ten a penny) to add to the Mordor force - kinda felt I had to have him given I've got 9 Mordor Uruk-Hai!
Well first up, I only went and painted Da Iron Moonz warband (Night Goblins) - this means I've painted more this year than 2022 already and I'm actually hitting a stride painting-wise; as I write this I'm waiting for a wash to dry on the Black Lion Brigade (Witch Hunters). I had originally planned to paint Grodrik Gromnisson's Last Hurrah (Dwarfs) but realised I was one shield down on each dude having a different design... well a quick shufti on eBay later and I have one of the Anvil of Doom guard shields, so they'll be next after the Brigade I think.
I wasn't sure what to get this hobby fund period and thanks to helpful Threads conversations I mostly opted to build up the terrain collection - primarily for Punkapocalyptic; some scrap/tyre/barrel barricades, a fairly large toxic pool (complete with half-submerged barrels of ooze) and a pair of billboards (TTCombat). I think a couple of car wrecks might be good to add to this, and TTCombat do some nice ruined modern buildings that could be good options perhaps.
The Silver Bayonet
When I heard the news about Magister Militum closing/looking for a buyer I figured I'd better get stuff I really wanted ordered - all for Silver Bayonet shenanigans; bats, rats, black dogs and a cool looking Earth Elemental type thing.
Xenos Rampant
I had a £5 bonus from Amazon so figured I might as well get the XR rulebook. It's looking rather promising indeed; I'm currently thinking it'll see use for both Star Wars and for Infinity. This could well bump those minis up the 'to prep' queue!
Tuesday, 4 July 2023
The ADHS Diaries - part 12
So what have I been up to since last I blogged? Let's have a little look shall we?
I've finished prepping the last of the Bayou collection (well, pending the arrival of some 40mm resin swampy bases I ordered that is) and the last of the Resser Versatiles (Mortimer and the Mindless Zombies) are prepped too. Still got Amalgam, Plague/Vermin, Frontier, DUA/Umbra and Syndicate to go - but I think I want a break from the poly cement for a while now!
Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game
I've prepped and primed the four Hobbits (Weathertop versions) - and added a Boromir (standard horn toting chap) and Gandalf the Grey (Orthanc version). I've got some more 3d prints coming to add to the Rohan collection - a proxy King's Hunstman and some Outriders.
I caved and got a Spark to add to the Children of the Black Blood - Sparks are the ones on motorbikes, so that'll add a different element to the gaming experience. He's prepped and primed. Still need to get some scenery however, at least some scatter terrain I think - and a couple of billboads I reckon will look cool.
Well... I went and added a few more options to each of the armies! So far I've received and prepped some Arabyan light cavalry Dogs of War and a proxy Cursed Company to add to the Empire force. I'm waiting for some 3d printed stuff to add to the Nurgle and Skaven forces - a trio of Dragon Ogres and a Sorcerer Lord for Nurgle and some weapon teams for the Skaven. I'm currently tempted to add some more Dogs of War to make a small spin-off force, but it seems nowhere in the UK is selling prints of the Polish Lightning Dogs of War Characters any more... ๐ I'd settle for just the Paymaster to be honest!
The Burning Sands
I placed a small order with Alternative Armies at the end of June (see The Silver Bayonet entry below) and it included a freebie towering rock monster. I decided to include him in the collection of monsters for The Burning Sands. By Crom that'll be a tough encounter!
The Silver Bayonet
I got a few Alternative Armies bits to add a couple more monster types - the new dog man monster from the Carpathian expansion (I don't have my book with me as I write this to put its proper name ๐ ). I also got a couple of Ogre Brigands that I intend to use alongside the various bandits in the collection - might be fun!
Looking ahead...
I'm hoping to start actually painting for the first time in a while - the only other painting I've done this year was the Dead of Dunharrow (once basing scheme for MESBG is sorted I'll add vegetation and then get pics taken to share here!) so I'm a little bit daunted to crack out all the paints - the Dead were easy cause it was just basically a contrast paint and white drybrush!
Friday, 23 June 2023
The ADHS Diaries - part 11
Well with one thing or another *cough*brain gremlins*cough* it has been a while since I posted a diary here - but nevermind, let's run through where I am with various things that have been done since the last post!
Bolt Action
The antifascists' tractor came and is prepped. As is the North Korean and American forces for some Korean War gaming. I think that'll be it for Bolt Action, unless a) I get massively inspired by some relatively obscure battle and b) Pendraken have the options for me to do it. Not like I haven't got plenty of forces to be cracking on with painting!!
Burrows and Badgers
I have the TTCombat Ancient Beacon from their Savage Domain range to build - looks a bit fiddly though so it has sat in cellophane for a while now. I aim to get the new giant Bear from Oathsworn soon, but otherwise this collection is complete... until something else is released that'll fit in The Bear's Wood setting we have!
The models I mentioned last time arrived and have been prepped. There's still a few I'd like to pick up at some point, but as it would require more cobblestone bases as well they aren't a priority. Still, got lots to be getting painted now!
I built the TTCombat Orc Lookout - and added a couple more hired gun type dudes using the new (by my standards) Necromunda minis; a krump-mad Digga (Goliath with a couple of Orky glyph bitz) and a sneaky Mutie on his bug-like steed (Dustback Helamite). That should be it for now; but maybe some more scenery if anything crops up!
Hardwired/Reality's Edge
The printed minis I'd ordered have all come - including cool versions of John Wick and Tybalt (Baz Luhrmann movie style). Still need to decipher from Reality's Edge what else we might need in terms of NPCs/random encounters/programs but think the character-side is mostly there now unless Papsikels or UNIT9 release more cool minis ๐
As things stand the only things left to prep are Plague/Vermin, Amalgam, Tri-Chi, Swampfiend, DUA/Umbra, Syndicate, Wastrel and Frontier keywords. I've got to get more bases to finish the Resser versatiles and there's a few Big Hat and Kin minis also to prep.
Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game
Everything is prepped, primed and actually sorted. I've also prepped and primed the Gondor ruins from the starter box and the Gondor Tower I picked up. I've got the four hobbits coming - only need a Boromir and Gandalf the Grey and I've somehow ended up with a Fellowship (OK, well not got Bill the Pony either).
Regular readers will know that when I don't have a good plan come a new hobby fund period that I get a bit impulsive... well that happened in April. Thanks to a show special that Goblin King Games kindly made available on their website as well I picked up the starter set, rule book and expansion book. To each of the forces (Commonwealth and Dominion) I added an airship and a big dude (giant/troll). I'm planning on just using pretty much the same scenery as for Burrows and Badgers so don't anticipate needing to go too wild with this one. Just couldn't resist the Labyrinth vibes!
Of Gods and Mortals
I'd got two gods/goddesses for the Greek force already (Ares and Athena) so figured it only fair to add second options to all the other forces we have. They are all here (mostly via 3d printers on Etsy) - Wadjet for the Egyptians, Tyr for the Norse, Vishnu for the Indians, The Morrigan for the Celts and Perun for the Slavs. The scales are a little mixed across the various gods and goddesses, but they are all significantly taller than the 15mm stuff I've used for troops so I'm happy enough!
So... what happened in April (see Moonstone above) happened again in May - I got the Punkapocalyptic starter set (Gangers and Mutards) as well as the Ganger and Mutard boxes. I also got the Children of the Black Blood box, Momma Nutritora and a couple more Children. I also got a couple of 3d printed Warboys - although they are a little taller than the official models they'll do to pad out the gang. I do need some suitable post-apocalyptic terrain now though!
Everything is prepped and primed for the Empire, Nurgle and Skaven forces. Just a matter of painting now!
Sengoku Monster Hunter
I've prepped a few more monsters from Alternative Armies that I hadn't gotten round to picking up. Also got a gnarly 'final boss' style mini from an Etsy 3d printer - it's called 'Shrine Keeper' and looks like something out of a Sengoku JRPG. Pretty much a must get then eh?
The Silver Bayonet
I got the Carpathians expansion - managed to find a suitable Forest Witch mini (via the Joan of Arc boardgame and a boxsplitter in France no less!). Now to find some of the other options in 15-18mm...
Star Wars Legion
Got everything for this that I fancy - bases all sorted now too. Only stalled because I can't face the LAAT/le build and I wanted to get it all done at the same time ๐
And everything else...
Other than the Infinity collection, everything else is all prepped and primed waiting for painting. Infinity needs a massive amount of spoons to face assembling so unfortunately will likely sit sorted in their baggies with the resin bases. As the resin bases are no longer available due to Antenociti's Workshop disappearing I can't really add anything more to Infinity so there's that at least in its favour!
Looking ahead...
Another hobby fund period looms and I'm trying to decide what to go for. I know I have to finalise my Gangs of Rome KS but I'm not massively inspired by that now so will probably stick with just the rulebook. Otherwise, the Giant Bear for Burrows and Badgers is an option to cross off the wishlist and I need to buy some resin bases to finish my Ressers... and I have spotted a couple of well-timed summer sales coming up that might mean a project or two I've been contemplating for a while become possible... all subject to change of course!! There's also the new Pendraken Russo-Japanese range that is ripe for a small project if I work out a couple of lists... decisions, decisions! For a future hobby fund will be the final two Malifaux faction starters (Guild and Ressers) when they eventually drop at least.
It feels like the acquisition phase of my hobbying is greatly slowing down - barring 10mm Sikh Wars and Three Kindgoms China appearing somewhere that is!!
Which means I may actually get painting and then gaming one day! ๐ฒ
Monday, 27 March 2023
The ADHS Diaries - part 10
Time for a catch up diary post... with added run down of current hobby fund purchases!
Bolt Action
I decided to get a different tractor for the antifascists (seeing as I seem to have lost part of the original one I did get...). That'll hopefully encourage me to finish prepping this project as the vile fascists have been prepped for some time. Then it's just the two forces for the Korean War and that's everything prepped.
Burrows & Badgers
I've got a few scenery bits and pieces coming for this from a range of sources; Alternative Armies, TTCombat, Spellcrow and a random 3D printer.
Well seeing as TTCombat finally added some things I'd been waiting for (ie. the Paladin of St Lazarus) to the single miniatures on their website I've got stuff coming to use up all the current cobblestone resin bases - a Barber and Butcher for the Guild, a Nurse for the Doctors, a Cat Burglar for the Patricians and the Paladin and the Angel of the Blooded Rose for the Vatican.
I finally got round to adding the Orc Lookout MDF kit from TTCombat to an order - this should go quite nicely with the Speed Freeks scenery I got recently.
Hardwired/Reality's Edge
A 3D printer I've used on Etsy had a sale on so I've ordered a selection of cyberpunk minis that I've had my eyes on for a while now. Still need to get some minis as Avatars for Reality's Edge, but pretty well set for Hardwired once they are all prepped.
I've pre-ordered the Arcanist and Ten Thunders Starters. Ties back to Mei Feng being my first purchase! I've also got some Charm Warders coming to add to my Shenlong crew - eventually I'll get the Devoted Students box, but for now the hobby fund doesn't allow for them unfortunately.
Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game
Some actual hobby to report on this one - I've painted all the Dead of Dunharrow force! They are awaiting vegetation on bases - but still deciding what to do as I intend all the MESBG stuff we have to be based the same. I've also prepped some stuff for the Mordor and Harad forces - got a couple more minis on order too. I also realised I did a really shoddy job removing mould lines from a bunch of Rohan and Harad troops - luckly I spotted before priming, so I need to go back and fix that before they get their undercoat.
On a whim I've decided to add another unit each to our Empire, Chaos and Skaven armies - Dogs of War Birdmen for the Empire, an ancient Dragon Ogre for the forces of Chaos and a Plague Catapult to add to the ratmen. Think that'll do now unless one of the 3D sculptors out there does something I can't resist.
The Silver Bayonet
I've finally ordered the Bone Cart from Alternative Armies - and seeing as their Spring Mega Event is on I took advantage and have added Jack Frost to the collection.
Star Wars Legion
I've ordered some bases that, hopefully, will match the official ones a bit better in size. I've also ordered an Imperial Officer to add to the Empire side, mostly cause I wanted a mini with a little holoprojector communicator in their hand cause I thought it'd be cool to paint!
Hardwired/Reality's Edge
A 3D printer I've used on Etsy had a sale on so I've ordered a selection of cyberpunk minis that I've had my eyes on for a while now. Still need to get some minis as Avatars for Reality's Edge, but pretty well set for Hardwired once they are all prepped.
I've pre-ordered the Arcanist and Ten Thunders Starters. Ties back to Mei Feng being my first purchase! I've also got some Charm Warders coming to add to my Shenlong crew - eventually I'll get the Devoted Students box, but for now the hobby fund doesn't allow for them unfortunately.
Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game
Some actual hobby to report on this one - I've painted all the Dead of Dunharrow force! They are awaiting vegetation on bases - but still deciding what to do as I intend all the MESBG stuff we have to be based the same. I've also prepped some stuff for the Mordor and Harad forces - got a couple more minis on order too. I also realised I did a really shoddy job removing mould lines from a bunch of Rohan and Harad troops - luckly I spotted before priming, so I need to go back and fix that before they get their undercoat.
On a whim I've decided to add another unit each to our Empire, Chaos and Skaven armies - Dogs of War Birdmen for the Empire, an ancient Dragon Ogre for the forces of Chaos and a Plague Catapult to add to the ratmen. Think that'll do now unless one of the 3D sculptors out there does something I can't resist.
The Silver Bayonet
I've finally ordered the Bone Cart from Alternative Armies - and seeing as their Spring Mega Event is on I took advantage and have added Jack Frost to the collection.
Star Wars Legion
I've ordered some bases that, hopefully, will match the official ones a bit better in size. I've also ordered an Imperial Officer to add to the Empire side, mostly cause I wanted a mini with a little holoprojector communicator in their hand cause I thought it'd be cool to paint!
Tuesday, 14 March 2023
The ADHS Diaries - part 9
Another week done - quite a big of hobby now I look back on it!
Burrows & Badgers
I got an apprentice and two thralls to add to my Necromancer warband - these are cleaned up (minimal cause I swear Oathsworn actually clean casts!) and prepped ready for priming when weather settles.
I've received and prepped a couple of special characters - got one more to come!
I've finished prepping the Performer collection - well except Carlos as he was already done! - and as a bonus I've finished prepping the Crossroads Seven. Roll on dry and not too windy weather!
Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game
Awaiting a few 3D printed bits for this - although I did receive and prep some proxy Watchers of Kรขrna. I also got a foot Rohan Royal Guard with sword so he'll become a proxy Erkenbrand (or just general Captain of course, but he'll get a red shield anyway lol). I have a Footsore mini as a proxy Grimbold and used a Gripping Beast sprue to make some proxy Helmingas. I did also get a Victrix sprue but they are way oversized compared to everything else so other than donating a banner pole and warhorn to the Helmingas they won't be featuring in the Rohan force!
Other than the 3D printed bits I'm waiting for (and the one Ork) I think I'll switch from prepping for a bit and maybe dip back into painting! Wish me luck!
Sunday, 5 March 2023
The ADHS Diaries - part 8
After a week off the Diaries continue!
Burrows & Badgers
I got the two 'new' (I have no idea how new they are since leaving Twitter) books - and it's got me thinking about adding just a couple of shady types to my Necromancer and Ghasts to have access to a Necromancer gang. Just have to decide on which mini to use as the apprentice ๐ค
From outta nowhere! I got a decent deal on the scrap piles and barricades that I think first came out with the Speed Freeks game so figured what the heck! It's actually got me pondering a couple of special character mercenaries to add to the collection just for fun (there's some fun 3D printed cowboy type Orks out there that have caught my eye!) - I've got a Flash Git already to add to the ones in the Digganob expansion (never did get the scrap prospector though... hmmm)
The Seeker keyword is now prepped for priming (well, except the Surveyors, but as they are shared with the Syndicate keyword they can wait until I tackle the Anya core box!).
Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game
Work continues on the prepping of the various forces for this - I got a great deal on a second hand Haradrim force; 17 spearmen, 18 archers, 6 mounted raiders, Suladan (foot and mounted). I've also added some other command pieces and have some extra troop types coming eventually. I've also added another 24 warriors to the Rohan collection - and I've got some sprues on the way to try to kitbash some command figures as they are hen's teeth on eBay! Finally I got some spear armed 3D printed Orcs to use as Mordor Orcs to cheaply pad out my mostly Morannon force! Sand-dipping like a boss on this lot!
Star Wars Legion
I got the LAAT/ie Gunship for an absolute steal so that helps balance out the two forces a little! I want a couple more Officer minis to add to units (most likely one each of Rebels and Empire) but otherwise I think it'll just be characters I add from now on... famous last words! Better get assembling and prepping it all now!
Sunday, 19 February 2023
The ADHS Diaries - part 7
A fairly productive week by my modest standards! Here's what I've been up to...
The Burning Sands
This one feels like a cop out, but I have primed a 3D printed giant beast skeleton scenery piece. To be fair I did have to clear up a small number of supports so I guess it still counts! ๐
Prepped and primed the Lotus Eaters to add to the M2E Shenlong core box. I've started prepping the Seeker keyword - although only Mikhail and a Lamplighter are done so far; Jedza and another Lamplighter are part done. They are proving difficult with my brain gremlins, but I'm going to keep chipping away!
The Men Who Would Be Kings
I finally primed those three Boer units I've had sitting on the workstation! That concludes the prep stage for this project!
Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game
I've primed all the Mordor stuff, the Rohan bits and all the Minas Tirith stuff (yes, including the Battlehost!). I've prepped the Dead of Dunharrow force, but need to check how much white spray I have before I cart them all out into the garden!
So on the workstation is the Seeker stuff (and Vernon and Welles as a Versatile Explorers' Society option). Next up will likely be the remaining 10mm stuff, unless I'm feeling brave enough to tackle more Malifaux... or the Star Wars Legion stuff that is weirdly intimidating for a reason I can't quite put my finger on!
Otherwise my mind is turning to the next hobby fund period... MESBG stuff for sure, some gaming material for Burrows & Badgers and who knows what else!
Sunday, 12 February 2023
The ADHS Diaries - part 6
Another week done - a fairly quiet one again as been rather busy (and/or brain fried), but not without some hobby activity to report!
The Men Who Would Be Kings
Finally sand dipped the three units of Boers! That means all the African element for this game is done...the mind turns once again to India, but until someone does some Sikh Wars specific minis in 10mm this'll remain a 'one day'.
Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game
The various Mordor stuff, the Minas Tirith characters (and Fountain Guard and Ballista) and the small Rohan contingent are all sand-dipped. I've made a start on prepping the Dead of Dunharrow - the King and his two Heralds are done, together with 10 Warriors. Still got 20 more dead dudes to prep! Also still to do are the ruins from the Battle of Osgiliath box and the Minas Tirith Battlehost. When payday comes I hope to get the Mordor Battlehost - and probably the Rohan one (with Eowyn obvs).
Looking forward - once the MESBG bits mentioned above are done I intend to go back to the world of 10mm; the Socialist side for Bolt Action Very British Civil War and the US and North Korea forces for the Korean War. After that? Hopefully I can face assembling more Malifaux!
Sunday, 5 February 2023
The ADHS Diaries - part 5
Thanks to a break in the wind here I was finally able to prime a load of stuff! I've primed scenery and miniatures for *deep breath*
The Burning Sands
Dracula's America
The Men Who Would Be Kings
Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game
Of Gods and Mortals
The Silver Bayonet
That's helped clear the decks a little so I can crack on with...
Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game
I've got the 3D printed Orcs to prep now - as well as some Rohan warriors to accompany Eowyn. I also chanced across a great deal on some Army of the Dead...
Star Wars Legion
I've sorted out everything we have so far - need a few bases and ended up with quite a bit more for the Rebels so when funds allow I'll be adding to the Empire force.
Sunday, 29 January 2023
The ADHS Diaries - part 4
Another quiet week hobby-wise - but there has still been some progress!
The Men Who Would Be Kings
I've got the three units of Boers prepped - have to sand dip them still though. Then they'll join the ever-growing stack of minis to prime... hopefully this week will hold slightly drier and warmer weather (at least enough to allow a window or two of opportunity to spray!).
Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game
I've got a couple more 3d printed Ringwraiths prepped - and an Orc Captain. I've prepped four Fountain Guard to accompany Faramir... horrible horrible Finecast things though! I've got the Mordor Uruk-Hai in hand also (yay, metal!) as well as the Minas Tirith Battlehost. There's a package of OOP metal LotR stuff en route and I've got some funky Orc options being 3d printed for me at some point. I also randomly bought a metal Eowyn on foot... primarily because she's my favourite character (you just know I'll get every version I can find at some point!!). I guess I'll have to get a small handful of Rohan Warriors to give her some friends!
That's the lot for now - if I can get some of the backlog primed I'll be prepping the MESBG I ordered this payday and perhaps move on to some of the Star Wars Legion miniatures and then some more 10mm Bolt Action I've still got to base up.
No rest for the wicked!
Sunday, 22 January 2023
The ADHS Diaries - part 3
It has been a quiet week here - changes to meds, work being heavy and more has left little in the tank to get stuck into hobby. But that doesn't mean no hobby!
I've joined a play-by-Whatsapp Kriegspiel - I'm totally out of my depth, I have no real idea what I'm doing but I'm using it as a way to step a little out of my comfort zone. It's weirdly formal too - I'm more used to putting silly accents on or cursing missed shots by people called Karl!
The Men Who Would Be Kings
Now that the hobby workspace is cleared down the three units of Boers will be next up for prepping. Hopefully not too difficult to do this coming week!
Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game
I've sand dipped everything I've got so far - but I am waiting for a few random second hand bits. Along with the Armoured Faramir I got an Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli for the Good side. I've got some Mordor Uruk-Hai coming, as well as some more 3d printed Evil heroes. Payday comes round this week and I think it will be largely MESBG as I'm keen to 'finish' the acquisition phase at least for Minas Tirith and Mordor.
As I said, it was a quiet week! ๐
Sunday, 15 January 2023
The ADHS Diaries - part 2
Another week of mostly prepping and sand-dipping - and not likely to change anytime soon!
Hardwired/Reality's Edge
I need to sort out how many bases I've got left (MAS Warehouse ones) - that will inform what else I get for this project. I know I need a couple of businessmen types for Reality's Edge in particular. I think the remaining minis for this project will be from the Papsikels range - there's a few people out there offering them printed, so it's just a case of working out numbers and seeing what I can get.
The Shenlong box is now sand-dipped all ready for priming when weather permits. Not sure what keyword to do next (see last Diary)... maybe Seeker as that's not been unboxed from Christmas!
The Men Who Would Be Kings
The Boers will be next up on the hobby workspace once it's been cleared down. There's only three units so hopefully won't take too long to do.
Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game
Gothmog(s), the Troll and the Orcs are all prepped. Then disaster struck - my workspace got knocked over... thankfully most of the minis were OK, the only one that sustained damage was Faramir, whose sword snapped. I have been unable to locate the sword part, so the Battle of Osgiliath Faramir will not see the light of day. I have instead ordered an Armoured Faramir second-hand from eBay - he'll look better with the Warriors of Minas Tirith that was anyway! I may also have got some friends for the Good guys at the same time...
Of Gods and Mortals
The Celts and Slavs forces are all sand-dipped and, much like the rest of the backlog, waiting for some half-decent weather to get sprayed black!
The Silver Bayonet
The Sidhe warriors and assorted other monsters for our Hunters to face are all prepped. Unless inspiration strikes there's unlikely to be too many more minis bought for this now - but that's no bad thing as I've got the rulebook monsters, all sorts of other random things, and enough to theme games in Greece, Egypt, Ireland and Poland.
Star Wars Legion
This is slowly coming together - I've had a couple of deliveries of 3D printed minis, but waiting for a couple more before I sink my teeth into prepping it all.
Sunday, 8 January 2023
The ADHS Diaries - part 1
As mentioned in my first post of 2023 - here's the first in my ongoing series of ADHS Diary posts. These will be simple run throughs of what I've been doing hobby-wise - mostly to help me feel positive about my hobby and to allow me to look back on the progress I've made. Here we go!
This past week has been largely prepping and sand-dipping a host of different things. I'm building up quite the backlog to prime when weather eventually allows!
The M2E Shenlong box arrived - it actually got prepped rather quickly by my standards! The minis were straight forward enough to assemble - the trickiest being the Monks of High River, but even they were easy compared to some Malifaux minis! I had started assembling the Performer keyword, but that might be a bit too fiddly right now, so it's on pause. I'll either wait until I'm in a better head space or I'll pick another (simpler) keyword to assemble instead.
Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game
I've prepped the Good troops - and Madril - and have prepped Gorbag and the 3D printed Shadow Lord/Ringwraith proxy I got too. I'll work on Faramir and Damrod next, then turn attention to the Orcs, Troll and Gothmog (foot and on Warg versions). The ruins look a bit of a faff so they can wait a while as I've got a busy week coming up work-wise; otherwise I expect the miniatures from the Battle of Osgiliath set to be all prepped by the time my next diary post rolls round.
Of Gods and Mortals
The Celts and Slavs are all prepped now - if I mention I'm considering any more chariots remind me how much I dislike assembling them OK?
The Silver Bayonet
I'm still waiting on a couple of orders - one of various larger monsters and one of Sidhe warriors (well, Wood Elves, but you get the idea). These should be relatively easy to prep once they arrive though, so might be a nice low-effort kinda hobby session one night this coming week to keep momentum going.
Star Wars Legion
This remains in its boxes - although I do have some weird and wonderful stuff on order! I think this will wait until the various things arrive so that I can blitz through them all together though.
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