Sunday 29 January 2023

The ADHS Diaries - part 4

Another quiet week hobby-wise - but there has still been some progress!

The Men Who Would Be Kings
I've got the three units of Boers prepped - have to sand dip them still though.  Then they'll join the ever-growing stack of minis to prime... hopefully this week will hold slightly drier and warmer weather (at least enough to allow a window or two of opportunity to spray!).

Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game
I've got a couple more 3d printed Ringwraiths prepped - and an Orc Captain.  I've prepped four Fountain Guard to accompany Faramir... horrible horrible Finecast things though!  I've got the Mordor Uruk-Hai in hand also (yay, metal!) as well as the Minas Tirith Battlehost.  There's a package of OOP metal LotR stuff en route and I've got some funky Orc options being 3d printed for me at some point.  I also randomly bought a metal Eowyn on foot... primarily because she's my favourite character (you just know I'll get every version I can find at some point!!).  I guess I'll have to get a small handful of Rohan Warriors to give her some friends!

That's the lot for now - if I can get some of the backlog primed I'll be prepping the MESBG I ordered this payday and perhaps move on to some of the Star Wars Legion miniatures and then some more 10mm Bolt Action I've still got to base up.

No rest for the wicked!

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