Showing posts with label Corvus Belli. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corvus Belli. Show all posts
Monday, 21 June 2021
Diplomatic HVT
It's been a while since I've picked up anything for Infinity - but I did chance across the Yu Jing Diplomat HVT from the Dire Foes Alpha box going very cheaply so took the opportunity to add to the civilian/HVT part of the collection:
He's a single piece mini, which is unusual for Infinity! He's suited up so will look good as a Diplomat, a high-ranking Exec or even a smart Crime Boss type of character.
Tuesday, 9 February 2021
Druze Bayram Security new hires
Druze Bayram Security aren't messing around... they've made a couple of useful acquisitions; first a Bashi Bazouk (with boarding shotgun and rather mean combat knife - and not-too-annoying tactical junk):
And this chap:-
Who has clearly left the French and signed up for a Hunzakuts training course 😉 I already had the famous 'Hunzacutie' mini but wanted to be able to take a couple of Hunzakuts in my DBS - as this Chasseur has a similar tactical cap I think he'll fit in just fine as a proxy!
Saturday, 30 January 2021
JSA reinforcements arrive
I found the Keisotsu Butai SWC box for a good price and in stock (a rarity these days) so made sure to pick it up. The most popular mini in the box isn't actually one of the Keisotsu but rather the Kempeitai with the Shock Marksman Rifle. Still, long-time readers of the blog will know I like an HMG and the Keisotsu is one of the few options for bringing that gun in JSA so I'm happy to have the box:
I also picked up this Kanren (ironic I know) to use as a proxy Ryūken Unit-9 (to add to the two from the JSA box) - maxing out the AVA. Although this unit can't have a combi, I like the mini too much so will keep it as is rather than butcher it trying to replace the gun!
Monday, 25 January 2021
Aleph Rebots arrive
Another addition to the Aleph (both Steel Phalanx and OSS sectorials) is a pair of Rebots - like the other standard combat REMs in the collection I'll model one with HMG and one with Missile Launcher as they can proxy as the combi/flash pulse armed versions pretty easily.
I'm really happy to have these in the collection - I do like the REMs in Infinity as they dial up the anime style a lot!
Thursday, 21 January 2021
The Nomads respond to the arms race!
Looks like the Nomad Nation has stepped up in reaction to the PanO acquisitions... they've only gone and got a Gecko Squadron!!
Two seriously beefy little guys to back up their Mobile Brigada and Alguacil comrades in the Corregidor Union Workers Rights Protection Force ✊
If you want your freedom you'll need to fight
You'll need good help as you push for your rights
Join together and stand there with pride
You've got the union on your side
The Union's On Your Side - Wayne McCallum
Monday, 18 January 2021
The Hyperpower recruits some reinforcements
I've received from reinforcements to supplement both NCA and VIRD for our PanOceania collection. First the Tech-Bee and CrabBot pack - the Tech-Bee is a useful and cheap option (although I intend to paint her with less ridiculous clothes!) and the CrabBot will be needed for when my Uhlan TAG almost certainly gets taken out!
I also got the Fusiliers SWC box to add some variety to the core fireteam. If nothing else the pack wasn't much more than most boxsplitters make the HMG available for so I figured I might as well get the other options too!
I actually really like the ML mini too (second left). Like most SWC boxes this has two different bodies and this pack to me is one of the most successful in making each duplicated body look very different.
Thursday, 14 January 2021
Nomad reinforcements arrive
I recently receive some reinforcements to the Nomads collection - first up those utility pieces the Salyut Zonds:
These will be useful across all three Nomad sectorials!
For Bakunin specifically I've got a third Taskmaster (I know, I know... but they are too cool looking and I want to run Bakunin as an anime police force!) - this is my second of this mini so now I can have one with each weapon load out it comes with (Heavy Rocket Launcher and a Red Fury)!
For Bakunin specifically I've got a third Taskmaster (I know, I know... but they are too cool looking and I want to run Bakunin as an anime police force!) - this is my second of this mini so now I can have one with each weapon load out it comes with (Heavy Rocket Launcher and a Red Fury)!
Plus, who can resist Crazy Koalas and TinBots!
Monday, 11 January 2021
Angry Space Monkeys - the big 'uns
My MAF collection has had a couple of additions - nice expensive point sinks! 😆
First up, the HMG Sogarat - I've already got the Feuerbach one, but you may recall I do like HMGs so it was inevitable this one would join the MAF too!
And, to add to the solo Suryat I got before I have the Suryat box - three beefy fellas; one with a Heavy Rocket Launcher, one with Combi Rifle and one with a MULTI Rifle... and a rather cute little TinBot buddy!
These are nicely in keeping with the aim of a pretty elite MAF force so I'm really happy to have them in the collection!
Wednesday, 6 January 2021
Tunguska gets a playboy?!
You may recall that I'd got Ashcroft and a proxy-Authorised Bounty Hunter for my Tunguska force - but I wanted another business attire clad mini to fill out the AVA of the ABHs.
Well, I found the answer in the Casanova mini from Dire Foes Beta! This handsome devil and dapper chap will fit in - and as he only carries a CCW he can proxy as all sorts of ABH loadouts, bonus!
I was able to win an auction to get him on his own which has saved me some money!
Sunday, 3 January 2021
'bots and Bikes
My JSA has received quite a boost recently - first up the Karakuri Special Project (although they do look rather intimidating to assemble!):
It's even possible to mix in Domaru (Infinity Samurai) into fireteams of these killer robots! Gives another option to list building!
I also received the Aragoto Senkenbutai box - this includes two awesome Akira-style bikes; one rider is a hacker (but can proxy to suit) and the other is toting a Spitfire for some mobile firepower!
These two boxes are awesome additions to the JSA collection - which is only fair if we are going to be playing on a Neo-Shinjuku themed table I suppose!
Wednesday, 30 December 2020
Qapu Khalqi buys some hardware

Under my Christmas Tree was the Haqqislamite Remote box to add to my Qapu Khalqi force!
As with the other 'standard' REMs in the collection I'm planning on assembling one with HMG and one with Missile Launcher as I think they will acceptably proxy as the combi and flash pulse equipped REMs respectively.
There's only Nomads and Aleph left needing their standard REMs now... something for a future hobby fund period methinks!
There's only Nomads and Aleph left needing their standard REMs now... something for a future hobby fund period methinks!
Saturday, 26 December 2020
Angry Space Monkey Reinforcements
I figure I should start chronicling all the awesome stuff I got for Christmas from my better half - first up some reinforcements for those Angry Space Monkeys, the Morat Aggression Force.
First up, the only Kurgat loadout I didn't have - the Autocannon. I'm sure he's just trying to compensate for something... *ahem*
It's a rather awesome mini - and I'm pleased to have the full AVA of these Assault Engineers.
I also received the Drone Remotes box to widen the options available to the MAF:
As with the 'standard' Drones I have for some of the other forces, I intend to build one with as the heavy gun version and one as the missile launcher type. That way they can proxy for the combi/flashpulse etc versions as needed.
I'm pretty much set for the MAF now, although the Suryat box looks really nice...and depending on what the Dropsuit Taryot looks like when it is released I'm sure I'll end up wanting one of those in due course. I guess it's true that projects are often never 'finished'!
Tuesday, 8 December 2020
Well it would be REMiss of me not to...
Well I got one of those seller offers again - this time on the Code One REM boxes for both PanOceania and Yu Jing...
The PanO Dronbots will fit right in with both NCA and VIRD - and as a bonus my Druze Dronbots are the old type so clearly they picked theirs up at a MotoTronica clearance sale 😂
The Yáokòng pack will join the JSA (they'll get suitable Japanese names of course!) to provide a some additional options there.
The only issue is which model REM to make each mini as - I don't want to faff with magnets so my current thinking is an HMG and a Missile Launcher for each of PanO and JSA. The HMGs aren't that much bigger than a Combi-Rifle on either of these and I guess a missile launcher could be a multi-lighttorch Flash Pulse?
The only issue is which model REM to make each mini as - I don't want to faff with magnets so my current thinking is an HMG and a Missile Launcher for each of PanO and JSA. The HMGs aren't that much bigger than a Combi-Rifle on either of these and I guess a missile launcher could be a multi-light
Tuesday, 1 December 2020
"That one who kills in silence"
I liked the Zerat mini I picked up before - but with an AVA of 3 in the Morat Aggression Force I thought why not get the double pack to max out? 😉
I don't really need two sniper Zerat, maybe I can find a way to convert one to be armed with just a Combi-Rifle to give a good option for one of the lower point cost options? 🤔
Tuesday, 24 November 2020
Bandits join Corregidor (and StarCo)
Thanks to some encouragement on Twitter I took the opportunity with some birthday money to pick up the Bandits two-pack:
I had wanted the female Bandit for ages so I'm happy to have these deniable operatives in the collection - and as they can feature for both Corregidor and for the more public-friendly face of StarCo they were a bit of a no-brainer really!
Tuesday, 17 November 2020
Steel Phalanx reinforcements: the characters
As you may have seen, I've been plugging some gaps in the Steel Phalanx collection before they are retired - well the final things I felt I needed were some of the characters (they are such a big part of the flavour of the Phalanx after all!).
First, Ajax the Great - I'd put off getting him for ages, despite liking the mini, but now was the time to take the plunge:
Check out that hammer 😱
I also knew I wanted Teucer, the Agêma Warrant Officer - although I prefer the Atalanta mini (with her Spotbot) I couldn't miss out on this Feuerbach-wielding mini:
I also took the opportunity to grab Thamyris the Aoidos before he disappeared:
Finally, although he's not due to be retired, I also added Achilles v2 (Hoplite Armour) as I prefer it to the original Achilles and thought I should really have the option of the 'Individual of Mass Destruction' available to the Phalanx:
That probably completes what I want for the Phalanx - unless I find a Machaon someplace. I toyed with the idea of a couple more Ekdromoi and Diomedes but I'm on the fence - I do already have one Ekdromos and the Diomedes mini seems very slight. We'll see!
Tuesday, 10 November 2020
Steel Phalanx reinforcements: the Thorakitai
The other main troop type in Steel Phalanx (and my personal favourites looks-wise) are the Thorakitai. I'd obviously got the ones from the starter set and had bought an HMG dude from a box splitter, but thought it wouldn't hurt to make sure I had the other options - one with a Feuerbach, one with an HMG, one with a Combi-Rifle and the standout for me, the SMG-toting Thorakites:
Really pleased to have picked up this box - certainly makes the basic troops options available to me feel more complete!
Tuesday, 3 November 2020
Steel Phalanx reinforcements: the Myrmidons
I saw that the Steel Phalanx had basically gone the way of QK and NCA (and MRRF but I don't have any of those) so wanted to make sure that I picked up some of the more glaring holes in that part of my collection.
The Steel Phalanx starter and a couple of blisters were actually my first Infinity purchase - mostly because I really liked (and still like) the Nesaie Alkê mini! They'd been a little left behind as I expanded the collection out into a few other forces, but the time felt right to return to those roots!
So, I started looking around to track down some staples bits and bobs - and they are starting to arrive!
First up, other than named characters I only had a couple of Myrmidons (the hacker from the starter set and the officer mini) so I knew the Myrmidon box was a 'must':
This has one with Chain Rifle, one with Combi Rifle and one with a Boarding Shotgun - as well as one with just a CCW (so can proxy as any profile).
The only Myrmidon profile I was then missing was the Spitfire toting one - which I was also able to pick up:
It's a cool mini - I'll even try to look past his tactical rock! 😅
I'm glad to have finally added the Myrmidons to the collection - I think most Steel Phalanx players would have thought me mad with how few I had!
Thursday, 15 October 2020
Tunguska hired help
It's another one of those seller offers - and this time it brought reinforcements for the Tunguska collection!
First up Miranda Ashcroft, Authorised Bounty Hunter:
I also picked up the CSU mini - which I will use as a proxy ABH of whatever sort takes the fancy! Of course, my NCA CSUs both have briefcases so this one won't get confused 😉
I possibly want another ABH for Tunguska, but want one that fits in with Miranda and the CSU mini (almost like tactical business wear). Not identified a suitable option yet, but I'll keep thinking!
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