Sunday 22 January 2023

The ADHS Diaries - part 3

It has been a quiet week here - changes to meds, work being heavy and more has left little in the tank to get stuck into hobby.  But that doesn't mean no hobby!

I've joined a play-by-Whatsapp Kriegspiel - I'm totally out of my depth, I have no real idea what I'm doing but I'm using it as a way to step a little out of my comfort zone.  It's weirdly formal too - I'm more used to putting silly accents on or cursing missed shots by people called Karl! 

The Men Who Would Be Kings
Now that the hobby workspace is cleared down the three units of Boers will be next up for prepping.  Hopefully not too difficult to do this coming week!

Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game
I've sand dipped everything I've got so far - but I am waiting for a few random second hand bits.  Along with the Armoured Faramir I got an Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli for the Good side.  I've got some Mordor Uruk-Hai coming, as well as some more 3d printed Evil heroes.  Payday comes round this week and I think it will be largely MESBG as I'm keen to 'finish' the acquisition phase at least for Minas Tirith and Mordor.

As I said, it was a quiet week! 😅

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