Sunday 19 February 2023

The ADHS Diaries - part 7

A fairly productive week by my modest standards!  Here's what I've been up to...

The Burning Sands
This one feels like a cop out, but I have primed a 3D printed giant beast skeleton scenery piece.  To be fair I did have to clear up a small number of supports so I guess it still counts! 😅

Prepped and primed the Lotus Eaters to add to the M2E Shenlong core box.  I've started prepping the Seeker keyword - although only Mikhail and a Lamplighter are done so far; Jedza and another Lamplighter are part done.  They are proving difficult with my brain gremlins, but I'm going to keep chipping away!

The Men Who Would Be Kings
I finally primed those three Boer units I've had sitting on the workstation!  That concludes the prep stage for this project!

Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game
I've primed all the Mordor stuff, the Rohan bits and all the Minas Tirith stuff (yes, including the Battlehost!).  I've prepped the Dead of Dunharrow force, but need to check how much white spray I have before I cart them all out into the garden!

So on the workstation is the Seeker stuff (and Vernon and Welles as a Versatile Explorers' Society option). Next up will likely be the remaining 10mm stuff, unless I'm feeling brave enough to tackle more Malifaux... or the Star Wars Legion stuff that is weirdly intimidating for a reason I can't quite put my finger on!

Otherwise my mind is turning to the next hobby fund period... MESBG stuff for sure, some gaming material for Burrows & Badgers and who knows what else!  

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