Showing posts with label Dracula's America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dracula's America. Show all posts
Sunday, 15 October 2023
The ADHS Diaries - part 16
It has been a little while but life has been a little tricky to endure recently, and sadly the blog fell down the priority queue for a time!
But I've still been able to get some hobby done, so let's run through what I've been up to!
A War Transformed
Well it was probably inevitable... I got the A War Transformed rulebook and promptly bought a stack of packs from Peter Pig to make up forces of French (Mother) and German (Horned God). I'm still waiting for a 3d printed statue for one of the French units, if it doesn't show up soon I may have to order another unfortunately. I also added a spirit figure from CPModels to the French.
Broken Legions
I found in one of my various drawers of wargaming stuff a Hermes looking mini (think it's Artizan or Crusader) who will become a Demigod auxiliary in our Broken Legions collection!
The Burning Sands
Before they closed I got some ever so slightly Hunnic styled Orc warriors and archers which I've decided will find a home as a possible encounter in the Burning Sands. I also got some ladders from CPModels that I am thinking about keeping unglued to the various buildings I have to allow me to mix up layouts etc.
Burrows and Badgers
I've prepped and primed the Giant Bear (I've called him Worrley) and the alchemist mole (Winthrop Hathawaye), along with a couple of 3D printed market stalls I got a while back.
I've finally prepped the Varcolac, pair of Lacrimosa and the Unholy Union. There's a few random minis I'd like to add across the different factions - I'm also hoping for some new stuff for the Patricians as I need more of them to balance the collection out a little, but I'm not keen on the Guard and Navy sub-themes.
Dracula's America
I picked out the Winged Plagues, Metal Golem and Lord Chompy Bits from my previous post and have based them for Dracula's America - the Winged Plagues I'll make a new creature to use as an Unwelcome Guest, Lord Chompy Bits and the Metal Golem will get stories and stats for use in some kind of special scenarios tbd!
I've prepped and primed whatever was of use from the second hand job lot as well as the Apex keyword stuff I got. Then I went and dropped the tray that I put them on after priming and will have some repair jobs to try to do 😞
Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game
Etsy recently ran a special offer where they took £10 off an order of a certain size. I saw on Threads that this was funded by Etsy itself so decided to add a few more bits to the MESBG collection - 6 Serpent Guard to join the Haradrim, 6 Warg Riders for Mordor and 6 Shieldmaidens (Riders of Rohan). I think I'm pretty much set now, but there's a couple more bits I would really like to add!
Of Gods and Mortals
Well in another one for the 'inevitable' list, I finally got the stuff for a Japanese OGAM force - I've got various ashigaru, samurai and monks from Peter Pig, some Oni, a Kitsune and a Miko from Alternative Armies and, for the gods, Ryujin (a dragon from the CMON game Rising Sun) and I'm waiting for a 3d printed female Inari Okami. I've already got lots of 15mm Japanese scenery for Sengoku Monster Hunter (and Daisho/Ronin), so that can be easily used with these too. I did also get a couple of bits by Baueda from Magister Militum before they closed - a Spartan Dokana (scenery piece that can also be used in Mortal Gods) and a unit of Gall-Gaedhil that I'll use for both our Celtic and Norse forces.
Proxima Centauri
I've got pretty much everything I could need for both Rogue Stars and even Xenos Rampant games in the little sci-fi setting I started making. But I couldn't resist adding a cheeky 28mm walker drone bot thingy from CPModels as another mech!
The Silver Bayonet
I got a few bits from Magister Militum before they shut - mostly dwarves for TSB. I also got various elementals, giant rats, Black Dogs, bats and witches.
Looking Ahead
I'm starting to run out of steam a little on the prep and prime (Operation Winter is Coming 2023) front, but still hope to pick up a couple more things and get them done and sprayed before the weather gets too bad. I'm not sure I'll finish the Malifaux collection in time (Amalgam, Plague, Syndicate, DUA/Umbra, Frontier and Vagrant key words still to do 😅) but who knows, right?
Thursday, 31 August 2023
The ADHS Diaries - part 15
Here's the latest update for me to read back on when I need a boost!
Burrows & Badgers
I've repainted a resin well scatter piece that will see use - it's a little large, but will work for the larger beastfolk, so I'll call it Brock's Well. I've picked up the giant Bear mini (and the mole alchemist as I continue to pick up any civilian type minis Oathsworn release!) that I need to prep.
Dracula's America
I've been chipping away painting the various Unwelcome Guests (random monster type things) - I'm hoping to take photos and write some fluff to show these off here at some point. Then it'll be on to either townsfolk or some recurring bandit types I think. Or maybe livestock.
I wasn't necessarily expecting to add to the Malifaux collection for a while, but when I saw a good deal on a second hand Lord Cooper box and the On the Hunt box I couldn't resist snapping it up. When it arrives I'll try to post about it here to get back into posting things other than these ADHS Diaries!
Of Gods and Mortals
I've repainted a couple of resin cheapo scatter terrain pieces that will see use primarily in OGAM - an ancient arch ruin thing and a sphinx head ruin. As I see OGAM tables as being smashed together bits of the various cultures involved these should work fine.
In other news...
I've mostly spent my recent hobby fund on rulebooks - I've got the Tribal second edition and the two History and Game Lab expansions A Viking in the Sun (Lion Rampant) and The Last Samurai Rebellion (The Men Who Would Be Kings).
Tuesday, 15 August 2023
The ADHS Diaries - part 14
Figured I'd log the latest activity here for me to look back on.
Burrows & Badgers
I've repainted a naff resin pool from Temu (you know the kind of thing, £1 and neon blue water). I've added water effect tonight so shall see how that dries!
Dracula's America
I've been painting most of the things that required 'funky' paints - you know the kind of thing, technicals, contrast paints, glazes and all that jazz. That's another 12 minis done this year! I've got a trio of spectres from CP Models up next that should be more my preferred painting style.
I finished the Black Lion Brigade (Witch Hunters) and Grodrik Gromnisson's Last Hurrah (Dwarfs). I've taken a little break from Mordheim for now; although I still have plenty to do so will be heading back to the Cursed City!
I painted the IXth Steckrübe Loyal (minus flags) but took a break. The Turnip28 style is fun, but the painting isn't especially enjoyable to me. I've still got the opposing force to do, as well as a couple of scenic pieces, but it'll need a flash of inspiration before I return to the mud and roots and tubers.
So that's it; nothing ground breaking but keeping on some steady (for me) progress. At some point I'll take pics of the stuff I've painted this year and share pics here with some fluff and thoughts, but that'll take more spoons than I am generally running at so it'll have to wait!
Sunday, 5 February 2023
The ADHS Diaries - part 5
Thanks to a break in the wind here I was finally able to prime a load of stuff! I've primed scenery and miniatures for *deep breath*
The Burning Sands
Dracula's America
The Men Who Would Be Kings
Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game
Of Gods and Mortals
The Silver Bayonet
That's helped clear the decks a little so I can crack on with...
Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game
I've got the 3D printed Orcs to prep now - as well as some Rohan warriors to accompany Eowyn. I also chanced across a great deal on some Army of the Dead...
Star Wars Legion
I've sorted out everything we have so far - need a few bases and ended up with quite a bit more for the Rebels so when funds allow I'll be adding to the Empire force.
Monday, 24 October 2022
Operation Winter Is Coming 2022
Long-time readers may recall previous years O:WiC where I try to prep as much as possible (ie. clean up, assemble, sand dip and prime) before the winter really hits here. I've been beavering away and while I don't have any pictures (out of the habit a bit!) I wanted to note here, for myself if nothing else, where I'm at right now.
I've got my Sonnia crew box and the Witching Hour box all prepped and primed now - not sure I'm going to add anything to the Witch Hunter keyword, so that's that one done I think. I've also prepped 2/7s of the Crossroads Seven - namely Gluttony for the Bayou and Sloth for the Ressers. Not entirely sure why I decided to do those two, it was pretty much on a whim one day!
I've asked for this year's Rotten Harvest boxes for my forthcoming birthday, so that'll net me another Guild posse in the form of a Day of the Dead themed Lady Justice. Watch this space for that one - and yes, it'll mean I have a second Santa Muerte in the collection!
The Men Who Would Be Kings
I got the Pendraken Zulu War pack which includes British and Zulu forces and have got those prepped too. I need to get a few more bases to finish the Zulu side (I opted for oval bases and ran out after four units!).
I note that Pendraken have previewed their Russo-Japanese war range refresh, which is likely to lead to another TMWWBK project at some point - although not necessarily this side of Winter!
When Bad Meets Evil
I noticed that with the British side above, if I picked up some Boers from Pendraken I could also play some Anglo-Boer war games. I plan to get these, with a blockhouse, come pay day later this week.
Dracula's America
I already have all the posses I'd want for this, but there were a few summons and unwanted guests that I didn't have. I got the Crucible Crush Fearsome Flying Head for one of these, the rest I found suitable minis for in the Rocket Pig Games range which I had printed by Fully Cycled.
The Silver Bayonet
I've added a small number of extra members of l'Ordre - an Imam, a Vivandiere and a Nun. I've also got a Rabbi on order (come on Xyston, pull your finger out!) and he'll have a Golem (Rocket Pig again). I've also added a mascot for my band in the form of a Pyrenean Mountain Dog. I've acquired a couple more monsters too - bigger, more gnarly things than the rulebook contains...
The Burning Sands
Only a Sand Worm (Rocket Pig) and a boulder-lobbing Giant (Alternative Armies) for this - although I intend to add a few more bits and bobs before Winter arrives!
Proxima Centauri
I've added a few more character miniatures, as well as a group of mercenaries - all from Alternative Armies various 15mm sci-fi ranges.
I've got a few random scenery bits and pieces - 15mm sheep pen and chicken coop (primarily for The Silver Bayonet, but good for En Garde and even Kobolds and Cobblestones perhaps), some 15mm wattle fences and, a rather hefty Causeway for 10mm (total impulse purchase cause it was really cheap!).
Of Gods and Mortals
I've got a Norse force prepped and primed now - Freyja from Bad Squiddo (via a competition I won from MiniMentions on Twitter), other stuff from Copplestone, Magister Militum and Bandua. I keep toying with ideas around a few other mythologies - Celtic and Japanese but Slavic never totally disappears from my mind!
Bolt Action
I'm aiming to add some Korean War to the 10mm Bolt Action collection - going for American and North Korean. I'm aiming for the 65th Infantry - The Borinqueneers - but I might add a unit of Fighting Fillipinos.
Not too bad... now to plot and plan for payday!
Not too bad... now to plot and plan for payday!
Sunday, 13 June 2021
Spiky Sunday
In order to really play up those stereotypes and tropes I knew I'd need a range of cacti for our Wild/Weird West set games. Today I'll show you how those 3D printed ones I shared a while ago look all painted! I've given them the same basing style as the fences I've shared previously (and that I'll use on miniatures for this setting) to ground them in the same world. I've got a few of each of the sculpts which means I can patch multiple together to create hazardous patches of terrain as well as just use them singularly as decorative thematic elements.
Let's start with the iconic Saguaro Cactus:
Kind of a must for Wild West games, right?
Next a variety of Columnar-style Cacti, and a Prickly Pear type:
I opted for pink flowers on any of the sculpts that had them to give a little pop of colour.
Finally, a Barrell Cactus and a couple of sizes of succulents:
Overall I'm pretty happy with my little collection of model cacti! I think they'll add a nice amount of detail to what could otherwise be pretty dusty looking table set ups!
Wednesday, 9 June 2021
Water water
I've got a couple more completed scatter pieces from Frontline Wargaming. First up the Water Tower - this was the worst kit I've ever assembled. At least it is painted, and with some Water Effect, so I don't have to think about it much more:
I also have a trio of Water Troughs - similar kind of paint job to the Tower, and used some Vallejo Water Effect too:
These should all work well for the various Wild/Weird West games in the collection.
Saturday, 5 June 2021
Wild West Waste Disposal
Some finished resin scatter terrain for various games set in Wild/Weird West style worlds. First up, a pair of Frontline Outhouses:
I opted for different shades of wood - and made the metal rooves a bit rusty. I added a couple of tufts to the base parts to help tie them into my 'Western' basing scheme.
From Terrain Freaks I've painted these resin coffins:
These were victims of a very gloss drying wash - I've salvaged them with a coat of Matt Varnish and they are at that stage where they'll do. When arranged by the side of the Undertakers building I'm sure I'll be happier with them!
Wednesday, 19 May 2021
Makeshift Barricades Painted
I've painted the resin scenery pieces from Warlord's Anglo-Zulu range - first the makeshift barricade of boxes/sacks (or supplies to put alongside a general store):
This should help provide gunslingers with some much needed cover when the lead starts flying!
I've also got the wagon barricade done - it's a big old piece of resin!
It was actually more straight forward to paint than I first
The wash ended up a bit glossy on these two - not even the matt varnish trick got rid of it completely, which is a bit of a shame but I think they'll do for the tabletop.
Sunday, 16 May 2021
Red Vectors Fences - painted
I got the Red Vectors Fences set for use in Dracula's America/Dead Man's Hand/Malifaux and now they are all painted up I'm pretty happy with how they've turned out:
I've added some Tajima1 tufts to the bases - a couple of different size/style golden ones and the desert shrub style too. I'll use that same basing style on the miniatures for the three games where these'll see use.
Sunday, 21 March 2021
Fences and Water Tower
I knew I wanted some fencing suitable for the various games that will use our Bethany, Nevada scenery collection - I picked up the Renedra Palisade Fencing pack.
As you can see the pack includes 8 fence lengths but only 5 posts. I've tried to put them together in a way that will be somewhat flexible. What would have been good is if the posts (or at least some of them) had been designed to allow for right angled corners - a missed opportunity I feel.
Also, I finally assembled the Water Tower from Frontline - this was really tricky to assemble, mostly because the Frontline resin seems to take forever to bond with superglue (unlike most resin which I've found tends to glue really quickly).
It's not perfect, but it'll do - I don't intend to buy another one, let's put it that way!!
Sunday, 14 March 2021
Frontline Wargaming - Resin Scatter for Bethany, Nevada
When I picked up the DMH stuff I took the opportunity to pick up some resin scatter terrain at the same time - this'll be useful for DMH, Dracula's America and Malifaux so it's a good investment I think!
This scatter terrain is from Frontline Wargaming - but thankfully it was available through Great Escape Games as the Frontline Wargaming website is, quite frankly, a relic of a bygone age.
Anyway, on to the pieces - I knew I had to have some outhouses (blame it on Bill and Ted):
At least there'll be someplace in Bethany for the yellow bellied to go hide during a shoot out!
The outhouses are single piece castings and definitely give some flavour to a Wild West type scenery collection.
I also picked up the three pack of water troughs - one has a pump which is a nice detail:
A bit of water effect to the tops after painting and they'll look the part I think!
Finally I opted for the Water Tower - one of those iconic structures for a Western Town I think!
All the pieces have nice texture and details and didn't require too much clean up, however one of the outhouses, one of the troughs and part of the water tower were all damaged during transit. I've bought plenty of resin pieces over the years and these were the first to suffer such breakages on their way to me which was a bit disappointing. I managed to fix them, but it wasn't easy and for some reason the Frontline resin seems to not bond as quickly with glue as other resin I'm used to working with.
That said, I'm still really happy to have these pieces in the collection; they go a long way to making our little town feel more real!
Monday, 8 March 2021
Bethany, Nevada keeps growing
I've added to our little town of Bethany, Nevada - first up the Church from Warbases' Cactus Creek range. This kit was simple to make - the porch area was the trickiest to assemble.
I'm really pleased with this kit - I'm certainly considering other pieces from the range, but not sure if I'll have the space...
From TTCombat's Wild West range I chose a couple of two-storey buildings to add further variety to the townscape. First up, the 'Burlesque House':
As you can see, the building features a balcony, with a staircase on the right hand side. I sand textured the floor behind the boardwalk and will paint/tuft it the same as I plan for the Dracula's America and Dead Man's Hand collections.
The other two storey building is the Undertakers. The staircase on this one faces the other way to the Burlesque House, providing further variety:
Again, I sand textured the area around the stairs beyond the boardwalk.
I also picked out the Stable block - I added sand texture to this too, in the yard area in front of the stalls:
Finally I had a bit less luck with a couple of TTCombat kits - first the Windmills kit. The kit contains two windmills, but one of the blades on one of them snapped off. Luckily I only really wanted one Windmill, so I'm glad the other remained intact!
I also bought the Shacks kit. This includes three shacks and an outhouse. I didn't need the Outhouse as I've got an alternative (will share on the blog soon!), but out of the three shacks I was only able to complete one - the 'pegs' on the MDF of the others just wouldn't co-operate and eventually became impossible to do without significant carving. Still, I made one shack which gives another dwelling to the collection:
Dwellings suitable for this setting remain something I'd like to see more of - most ranges focus on saloons, stores and the like which I'm all set for pretty much.
That said, I think that'll suffice for now for Bethany - now my mind is turning to a suitable wargaming mat. I've not found a Wild West (or suitable) mat that I like - lots seems to include too many details like rail tracks and the like which I don't want (I'd add them in 3D if I wanted Bethany to be on the railroad!). Please get in touch if you happen to have any ideas of sources for a good mat!
Monday, 1 March 2021
Makeshift Barricades
I picked up a couple of Warlord resin pieces of scenery from one of my go-to guys - these are from Warlord's Anglo-Zulu War range. I got these with an eye to using them in games set in America - so Dracula's America, Dead Man's Hand and Rebels and Patriots.
First up, a versatile barricade/supply pile made up of boxes and bags:
That will work either as a makeshift barricade, or even just as some scatter next to a general store or the like.
Secondly a rather impressive piece - the wagon barricade. Obviously, this is a bit more for special scenarios rather than every day shootouts in our little town of Bethany, Nevada but I couldn't resist buying one as it's just too cool!
A cool feature is that it is designed to hold some miniatures - from testing it seems designed more for smaller base sizes, I could only fit one 25mm based chap on it but it's still a nice option.
There was a lot of paper-thin flashing on the wagon barricade piece, but easy to clean up. The boxes and bags barricade required only minimal work.
They are nice pieces that will add some much needed cover for our outlaws and lawmen!
Wednesday, 24 February 2021
Terrain Freaks - Coffins
I've acquired a few more buildings for Bethany, Nevada - that will double-duty for both Dracula's America and Dead Man's Hand, as well as see use in Malifaux (more on that in due course here on the blog). One of these is an Undertakers - well, I knew I wanted some decent coffins to go with it as some thematic scatter. I looked around and came across Terrain Freaks - which has a small range of resin terrain and bases - and ordered a pack of Wooden Coffins. The pack contains 6 coffins of various designs, including one with a separate lid:
I'm really happy with how these look - if, like me, you have a need for some small coffins, then I can definitely recommend Terrain Freaks! The wooden coffins in particular have some nice texture to the wood, which should reward even basic painting techniques.
Thursday, 28 January 2021
Carry on my wayward son
I've acquired some specific minis to use as a special NPC posse for Dracula's America. Still working out rules but I've prepped the minis to join the ever-growing queue! The minis are from Artizan Designs' Wild West range.
First up, these two chaps are Dean (L) and Sam (R) Winchester:
And a couple of even-more mysterious chaps - 'Just Cass' (L) and Jack Kline (R):
If you know the inspiration behind these you'll see that I've (out of necessity) exercised a bit of artistic license with these four, but I'm still happy with them!
Sunday, 13 December 2020
Clara, Tulip and Minnie
Well to go along with the Red Vectors ranch-style fencing MDF set I figured we needed some cattle - I opted for Serious-Play's Cows - in 28mm of course (although they do their animal range in a few scales so do double-check you are ordering the size you want if you place an order!).
I based them up on MDF rounds, and have added my standard texture dip. One of the cows had an air bubble show up when I was removing a little 'boil' - but easily filled with a dot of Vallejo Plastic Putty; certainly nothing too taxing!
So as you can see, three different poses on these ladies - who we'll call Clara, Tulip and Minnie (just not decided which will be which yet! 😅)
Sunday, 6 December 2020
Los Devotos del Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte v1
"Blessed Holy Death,
Today I pray for your protection as I begin this day.
You are my hiding place, and under your wings I can always find refuge.
Protect me from trouble wherever I go, and keep evil far from me
No matter where I am, I will look to you as my protector
Blessed Holy Death, you are the one who fights for me every day
Your love and faithfulness, along with your goodness and mercy
Surround me daily, so I will not fear whatever might come against me
Blessed Holy Death my trust is in you
Blessed Holy Death I give thanks to you for your love and protection.
In Jesus’ name, Amen"
Prayer of Protection said by Los Devotos del Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte

And to bring a little extra firepower in the form of more shotguns/rifles - Mexicans 3:
As always, the Black Scorpion minis are superb quality.
I'll have to playtest this Posse when an opportunity presents itself - but I think this is a good basis to work from going forward.
Joining this Faction aligns your posse with the Cult of Our Lady of the Holy Death - those Mexicans and Tejanos who have sought the protection and patronage of the mysterious Santa Muerte in these dark and uncertain times.
Generally gathered around a truly devout and seemingly blessed individual, Posses belonging to this faction are drawn towards the conflict playing out in Dracula's America.
Faction Benefit: The Piadosa/Piadoso
When you join this Faction your boss is a Piadosa/Piadoso (Pious One) and automatically becomes an Arcanist for free. One of their chosen powers must be Summon. Should the Piadosa/Piadoso die, the replacement automatically becomes the new Piadosa/Piadoso as described above, in addition to their existing Weapons, Skills and so on.
Faction Benefit: Visitación de Nuestra Señora
Los Devotos may Summon the unique entity - Visitación de Nuestra Señora. This follows all the rules for Unique Summons set out in the Dracula's America core rulebook.
The Visitación de Nuestra Señora appears as a skeletal female spirit, clad in robes and wearing a richly decorated headpiece.
Base size: 25mm
Move: 4"
Grit: D10
Special: Major Entity, Fearsome, Ethereal, knows the Bless and Curse Arcane Powers but does not count as an Arcanist.
Generally gathered around a truly devout and seemingly blessed individual, Posses belonging to this faction are drawn towards the conflict playing out in Dracula's America.
Faction Benefit: The Piadosa/Piadoso
When you join this Faction your boss is a Piadosa/Piadoso (Pious One) and automatically becomes an Arcanist for free. One of their chosen powers must be Summon. Should the Piadosa/Piadoso die, the replacement automatically becomes the new Piadosa/Piadoso as described above, in addition to their existing Weapons, Skills and so on.
Faction Benefit: Visitación de Nuestra Señora
Los Devotos may Summon the unique entity - Visitación de Nuestra Señora. This follows all the rules for Unique Summons set out in the Dracula's America core rulebook.
The Visitación de Nuestra Señora appears as a skeletal female spirit, clad in robes and wearing a richly decorated headpiece.
Base size: 25mm
Move: 4"
Grit: D10
Special: Major Entity, Fearsome, Ethereal, knows the Bless and Curse Arcane Powers but does not count as an Arcanist.

After watching (and thoroughly enjoying) the Penny Dreadful City of Angels series I was inspired to put together a Posse themed around Santa Muerte. I admit that I've taken liberties as I've seen nothing to suggest the veneration of Santa Muerte was really taking place in the time Dracula's America is set, but given the supernatural elements of the game it feels right to me - and includes ethnically Mexican posses which aren't specifically addressed elsewhere in the rules (despite many fine ranges of suitable miniatures).
So, once the idea was fleshed out a bit my mind turned towards putting together a posse - of course I needed a miniature to represent the Piadosa (I knew I wanted it to be a female leader). I thought about the concept of a relatively novice nun who has been gifted with powers following a vision of Santa Muerte - then the trick was finding a suitable miniature... I eventually found and went for 'Mother Matilda the Blind Nun' from Lucid Eye's The Beast of Birchwood range. The other 'must' was the representation of Santa Muerte herself in the game - I got lucky and found this piece from a boardgame from some eBay boxsplitter (if anyone is interested it is from 'Court of the Dead; Mourner's Call'):
So, once the idea was fleshed out a bit my mind turned towards putting together a posse - of course I needed a miniature to represent the Piadosa (I knew I wanted it to be a female leader). I thought about the concept of a relatively novice nun who has been gifted with powers following a vision of Santa Muerte - then the trick was finding a suitable miniature... I eventually found and went for 'Mother Matilda the Blind Nun' from Lucid Eye's The Beast of Birchwood range. The other 'must' was the representation of Santa Muerte herself in the game - I got lucky and found this piece from a boardgame from some eBay boxsplitter (if anyone is interested it is from 'Court of the Dead; Mourner's Call'):
I'm pretty pleased with these two options - I decided to stick with the lantern for the Visitación rather than convert it to a scythe or something purely for aesthetic reasons!
No posse is complete without a selection of Gunfighters however, so I had a look around at various Mexican/Bandito ranges but ultimately went for a couple of packs from Black Scorpion's Tombstone range. First up, Mexicans 1:
No posse is complete without a selection of Gunfighters however, so I had a look around at various Mexican/Bandito ranges but ultimately went for a couple of packs from Black Scorpion's Tombstone range. First up, Mexicans 1:
And to bring a little extra firepower in the form of more shotguns/rifles - Mexicans 3:
As always, the Black Scorpion minis are superb quality.
I'll have to playtest this Posse when an opportunity presents itself - but I think this is a good basis to work from going forward.
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