Showing posts with label Lancashire Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lancashire Games. Show all posts

Wednesday 3 March 2021

Sikh Wars 18mm

Ages ago now I started this project - but have never covered it here before it seems! The Sikh side of the project has been prepped and primed for quite some time (black sprayed minis aren't the most photogenic however!) - but recently I've acquired and prepped the British side.

The whole project is based on Lancashire Games Sikh Wars range - and came about half because of buying up the Osprey Blue Books range and half because of the corner of the world I'm from has a long standing connection to Sikhs!

First up I got a couple of units of Regular Infantry - they are basically the same, so I've only photographed one (annoyingly the command pack I got from Lancashire only had one officer so the other unit has another infantryman instead):

I also included a Regular Cavalry (Lancers) in the force:

I have to say that these were an absolute nightmare to base - I ended up having to set them in place with Milliput, not ideal!

Finally for the British I added a Field Gun (Well-Drilled):

That brings the side up to 24 points.

Oh, and on the Sikh side, I've got two units of Regular Infantry, one of Irregular Infantry, one of Irregular Cavalry and a unit of Akals (Tribal Infantry, Elite, Fierce).