Monday 8 March 2021

Bethany, Nevada keeps growing

I've added to our little town of Bethany, Nevada - first up the Church from Warbases' Cactus Creek range. This kit was simple to make - the porch area was the trickiest to assemble.

I'm really pleased with this kit - I'm certainly considering other pieces from the range, but not sure if I'll have the space...

From TTCombat's Wild West range I chose a couple of two-storey buildings to add further variety to the townscape.  First up, the 'Burlesque House':

As you can see, the building features a balcony, with a staircase on the right hand side.  I sand textured the floor behind the boardwalk and will paint/tuft it the same as I plan for the Dracula's America and Dead Man's Hand collections.

The other two storey building is the Undertakers.  The staircase on this one faces the other way to the Burlesque House, providing further variety:

Again, I sand textured the area around the stairs beyond the boardwalk.

I also picked out the Stable block - I added sand texture to this too, in the yard area in front of the stalls:

Finally I had a bit less luck with a couple of TTCombat kits - first the Windmills kit.  The kit contains two windmills, but one of the blades on one of them snapped off.  Luckily I only really wanted one Windmill, so I'm glad the other remained intact!

I also bought the Shacks kit.  This includes three shacks and an outhouse.  I didn't need the Outhouse as I've got an alternative (will share on the blog soon!), but out of the three shacks I was only able to complete one - the 'pegs' on the MDF of the others just wouldn't co-operate and eventually became impossible to do without significant carving.  Still, I made one shack which gives another dwelling to the collection:

Dwellings suitable for this setting remain something I'd like to see more of - most ranges focus on saloons, stores and the like which I'm all set for pretty much.

That said, I think that'll suffice for now for Bethany - now my mind is turning to a suitable wargaming mat.  I've not found a Wild West (or suitable) mat that I like - lots seems to include too many details like rail tracks and the like which I don't want (I'd add them in 3D if I wanted Bethany to be on the railroad!).  Please get in touch if you happen to have any ideas of sources for a good mat! 

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