Monday 1 March 2021

Makeshift Barricades

I picked up a couple of Warlord resin pieces of scenery from one of my go-to guys - these are from Warlord's Anglo-Zulu War range.  I got these with an eye to using them in games set in America - so Dracula's America, Dead Man's Hand and Rebels and Patriots.

First up, a versatile barricade/supply pile made up of boxes and bags:

That will work either as a makeshift barricade, or even just as some scatter next to a general store or the like.

Secondly a rather impressive piece - the wagon barricade.  Obviously, this is a bit more for special scenarios rather than every day shootouts in our little town of Bethany, Nevada but I couldn't resist buying one as it's just too cool!

A cool feature is that it is designed to hold some miniatures - from testing it seems designed more for smaller base sizes, I could only fit one 25mm based chap on it but it's still a nice option.

There was a lot of paper-thin flashing on the wagon barricade piece, but easy to clean up.  The boxes and bags barricade required only minimal work.

They are nice pieces that will add some much needed cover for our outlaws and lawmen!

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