Saturday 26 December 2020

Angry Space Monkey Reinforcements

I figure I should start chronicling all the awesome stuff I got for Christmas from my better half - first up some reinforcements for those Angry Space Monkeys, the Morat Aggression Force.

First up, the only Kurgat loadout I didn't have - the Autocannon. I'm sure he's just trying to compensate for something... *ahem*

It's a rather awesome mini - and I'm pleased to have the full AVA of these Assault Engineers.

I also received the Drone Remotes box to widen the options available to the MAF:

As with the 'standard' Drones I have for some of the other forces, I intend to build one with as the heavy gun version and one as the missile launcher type.  That way they can proxy for the combi/flashpulse etc versions as needed.  

I'm pretty much set for the MAF now, although the Suryat box looks really nice...and depending on what the Dropsuit Taryot looks like when it is released I'm sure I'll end up wanting one of those in due course.  I guess it's true that projects are often never 'finished'!

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