Monday 20 April 2020

Sons of Scylla - Heroes

Now, it's all well and good having my companions done for my mercenary Lochos, the Sons of Scylla, but let's be honest, Greek Myths and Legends don't dwell on that third peltast at the back - they are about the heroes!

So, to lead the mercenaries, here's Theasides the First Son:

In the Footsore range he is 'Heavy Lochagos 1'.

His most-trusted second-in-command is Kallikles of Attika:

He can be found as 'Medium Promachos 2'.

Finally there's the certainly murderous Pelegon the Wild:

He's got a rather wicked kopis-style sword - from Footsore he is 'Medium Lochagos 1'.

I knew that the Athenian and Spartan Lochos would have special rules - so to offset that I picked up a couple of the more unusual character types to add to the mercenaries.  First up, a healer - I'll call him Phausius the Iatros:

Finally for the Sons of Scylla, I added a Seer to interpret the omens to assist the Lochos - he can be called Karipos the Mantis:

This mini came with two hand options - the other has a staff.  I first tried to attach that hand but as it wouldn't hold I paid heed to that omen and switched it to the torch instead!

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