Monday 2 January 2023

State of the ADHS Nation 2023

Well, 2022 wasn't a vintage year for me, or for the blog... but let's try and put that behind us shall we and look forward!

Between generous friends, Christmas and new year sales I've added a few more projects to the backlog - it's a good problem to have!

For Christmas I got the Jedza core box and the remainder of her keyword boxes - so the Seeker keyword officially joins the collection.  I'm also still waiting for a M2E Shenlong core box to be delivered, if that comes through I'll pick up the other Monk boxes at some point.  There's a few odds and ends I intend to get generally, but otherwise that's it for Malifaux... until I see the new keywords coming for the latest expansion then we'll think again! 😉

Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game
I got the new Battle of Osgiliath box set for Christmas which includes forces for Minas Tirith and Mordor.  I'm waiting for a second hand Gorbag (come on, he's absoultely mad in the film so had to include him, even if he doesn't do dropkicks in the tabletop game!) and I've got a 3D printed ringwraith on order which I can use as the Shadow Lord or as a nameless Nazgûl.  Further purchases will be guided by how we get on with the game - although given the bow limits I think we'll be needing some more Warriors of Minas Tirith at least to even out all those Rangers.

I sent a friend some old GW Dwarfs that I was never going to get round to and in return he wanted to print me some surprises on his 3D printer... what should turn up other than an Ostlander warband (complete with Ogre) and various other bits and pieces - I won't spoil the surprise here though as I'll be adding them to the Mordheim Hireling Agency in due course!

Of Gods and Mortals
I'm chipping away prepping the mortals and heroes for the Celtic and Slavic forces.  There are a mixture of 3D printed minis from Etsy and metals from Forged in Battle and Magister Militum. 

The Silver Bayonet
I've put together quite a range of bad guys for this - enough to theme some games in Greece and Egypt in addition to the usual central/western European settings.  As I already have 15mm buildings for those settings we'll be well away!

Star Wars Legion
So I had no real plans for my hobby fund at the end of December... but had a good sale code to use at Chaos Cards so had a little look there.  I ended up going for the Star Wars Legion Core Box (Empire/Rebel one), along with Leia and Tauntaun Riders for the Rebels and Boba Fett and Deathtroopers for the Empire.  I'd like to up the non-human aspects of the Rebels a bit, but there's no affordable or easily available heads out there in the UK so I think I'll end up having to get a few whole miniatures to sub in for some of the human rebel troops. I've got some scenery on order for this too - hopefully to really make it feel Star Wars-y.  I think we'll need another troop choice for each side, but until I've got it all in hand I'll keep my powder dry on next purchases!

These last few days my mind has been turning to projects going forward - I'm very aware that at any point I may not be in a position to have a hobby fund available to me.  Other than the extra bits I've outlined above there's not all that much I want, but there's a few honourable mentions on my wishlist:

Other than a few reinforcements the main thing here is the need for scenery.  It's a big demand space-wise however, so thinking about the best way to do this.

Dracula's America
I keep wanting to do a Tong posse - and the Mountain Men from Great Escape make me want to do a weird cannibal cult devoted to Wendigo... 🤷

There's a small number of things I'd like to add as options - the Gator TAG, some Chaksa Longarms, Andromeda, the new Masaai guys and maybe some other bits.  I'm limited by the number of Antonecitis bases I have in stock however as since they ceased trading there's no more to be had!

Reality's Edge/Hardwired
I've got a few spare scenic bases for the cyberpunk stuff so I'm aiming to find some cool and characterful miniatures to use those.  I'll also need some minis to use as Avatars for Reality's Edge but just can't quite decide what style to go for!

Once Museum Miniatures do the Saxons I plan on doing a small project with them and the Norman range.  I hope they do some Swabians though!

Other than all that the main area of contemplation for me hobby-wise is scenery for games.  I've got lots to be getting on with already (especially 15mm and 10mm buildings), but once I've made progress on that I'll be working out what I need to really take our tables to the next level.  

All that said, my main focus as I head into 2023 is to enjoy my hobby more - I plan to do weekly diary posts here to help me take stock each week of my progress; this will hopefully serve to encourage me and keep my mood/energy at a higher-than-2022 average.  

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work mate. The LOTR stuff looks sooooo good. Can't wait to read what you think about it. My friend loves Legion so hope you guys enjoy it
