Thursday 1 July 2021

Battle Wizard and Steam Tank

I knew early on in the Rampanthammer project that it would be pretty easy to just Landsknecht it up for the Empire - of course the Flagellants I posted previously help provide a more WHFB feel, but I couldn't help but think I needed to add a bit more of the fantastical to really step up the vibe.

So I started looking around, the short-lived Warmaster could have been an option, but being now long OOP it's hard to come by and pretty expensive when you can find it.  But, what GW takes away, others will provide - and so it is with things for Warmaster it seems!  There's a few 3D Printing services that have some designs available for various WHFB armies in 10mm - sadly the units out there seem to come in strips (such a shame!) but there are a few pieces that are individual... so I ordered a couple to add to my Empire Army! These were sculpted by MiniRat Studio and there's a couple of sellers out there that are offering prints.

First, a WHFB-style battle wizard - this chap is clearly not-Balthazar Gelt on foot *ahem*, but I think he fits the bill - there's not all that many other wizarding options at 10mm it seems, and this is the only WHFB style dude I've found:

I've not removed the supports yet, but you can clearly make out his mask, staff, scenic base and smoke-billowing potion bottle.  I'll probably use him as an Elite Foot with Wizardling in Dragon Rampant.

I remember the days when any large battle in WD featuring the Empire always featured both a War Wagon and a Steam Tank - well I have plans for the War Wagon, but when I spotted a Steam Tank in 10mm I really couldn't resist! 

Again, the supports are still attached, but they look a pretty easy job to clean up.  The Tank features some nice Empire-inspired detailing (shields, scroll etc) which help pump up the WHFB-ness.  In Dragon Rampant I'll use it as Heavy Riders, with the Chariot and Missile upgrades (maybe the Mystical Armour upgrade to represent its thick armour 🤔).

I've got the rest of the army on order - but I do admit I'd quite like a general mounted on a Griffon if I can find one some where that looks decent to really finish it off in style.

From there it's finding suitable stuff for their opponents - which after further deliberation will be Chaos - and I'm aiming to fulfil my boyhood dream of a Nurgle army! 😈


  1. This may be close enough?

    1. It’s good but I’d be a little nervous about removing the not-Bret symbols cleanly!
