Thursday 3 June 2021

Hairy Religious Fanatics

I spied that Crom's Anvil had made available some rather hairy Religious Fanatics (check them out here) - well that got me to thinking about the old WHFB days.  I'm not about to dig out those rulesets, but there's no harm in a couple of small projects for Dragon Rampant, right? 😏

So I looked around - Pendraken is a fine choice for most troops types for the Empire (Landsknechts), and I saw a supplier of Ogres that will make a fine adversary.  With that in mind, my logic kicked in and I decided the Empire force had to be Ostermark (as it's the first one any Ogres would come to having trudged through the Dark Lands).  Purple and Yellow it'll be then for those not-Landsknechts!

Anyway, project cemented in my mind I placed an order for a twin pack to make up a unit of Bellicose Foot with Hatred!  I'm toying with trying the increased/decreased unit size upgrades from Rebels and Patriots with this project - in which case I'll make this one a Large!

I've taken a quick pic of the three sculpts - they are really nice, the flails will paint up equally well as leather whips or chains:

I'm very impressed and happy with these angry hairy chaps - it's strange sometimes how one little thing can set off a whole new project!

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