Wednesday 30 June 2021

ToeFunk Studios - the smallest tufts I've found!

My continued move towards smaller scales for, especially historic, wargaming led me to seek out tufts that didn't look like giant shrubs next to 10mm miniatures - well I chanced across a new to me (and pretty new overall from what I can see) company on eBay called ToeFunk Studios who make a range of teeny 2mm tufts! They looked very promising indeed so I took a punt and bought a couple of packs to try out - first the parched grass:

and the muted grass:

Each box contains a couple of sheets of tufts - 400 tufts in total!

But that's not all - they very kindly included some mini-sheets of a couple of other colours in their range by way of samples.  First the lush ones (sorry photo bit blurry but they are tiddly things after all!):

And also some scorched tufts:

I decided to try a couple of the lush ones on a project that will be shared here at some point (once the finishing touches are applied) - here's the ToeFunk Studios tufts on a 10mm Japanese WW2 miniature from Pendraken:

I'm really impressed with the tufts - I think they look absolutely perfect on the smaller scale miniatures, and would look very natural on larger scales too as some very fine detailing.  One tip - with larger tufts I find I generally just use my fingers to remove/place, but as these are so small I had best success using my hobby knife to transfer them from the sheet to the base - simple and no fuss!

I liked the packs I got so much I ordered some more from ToeFunk Studio's range - don't think there's a better way to prove how pleased I am with the tufts! 👍

These will be appearing on a lot of my projects going forward - I'm very happy to have found someone making tufts that are perfect for smaller scale gaming!


I've now received the other tufts and they are also excellent, here's the Lush ones:

These will help provide some vibrant 'jungle' to the bases of my Burma project!

I also got the Woodland tufts:

These are a little darker than the Lush ones and I think will be very versatile - I know they'll be making an appearance on some WW2 stuff I've got coming in!

Finally, and again for some WW2 stuff on order, I got the Harsh Frost tufts:

These would also be very useful for Frostgrave stuff of course - and anywhere else you want a frosted look!

1 comment:

  1. Great find. Very useful indeed for smaller scales. I had resorted to buying regular tufts and cutting them down with nail clippers! Thanks for sharing this find.
