Monday 3 May 2021

Projects, more projects and planned projects

I'm not sure what it is, but I'm managing to keep chipping away at painting (photographing and blogging is another matter! 😅) and it has meant that I can turn relatively guilt-free towards acquiring new projects. Hurrah!

Now, this only relates to the planning and acquiring stage - modelling and painting is absolutely reliant on mental energy and taste at any given point so will jump around a lot!  This is what I've got swirling round my semi-functioning brain for the next few months... one point to note is that they are exclusively smaller scales (mostly 10mm).  I've got so many exciting and fun projects and collections in 28mm (or thereabouts) already that I can't really justify any others - but the small space that 15mm, 10mm and 6mm take up means I can still explore all sorts of settings without running out of space completely!

15mm Mortal Gods
You may or may not be aware but I absolutely detest the wrist joins that Footsore seem to love using in their Mortal Gods range... so, a way round this is to change scale entirely (which also means easier to store - so more likely to add new forces!).  I'll be using Museum Miniatures for this project (which are great value) - with buildings likely to come from Forged in Battle (but that'll have to wait a little bit as they aren't the best value but they do look rather good).  It's a shame to give up on the Footsore stuff, but as I reflect and look back the wrist joins put me in one of the worst hobby funks I've ever had and that's not something I want to face ever again.  Thankfully the scenery bits I have in 28mm will work fine for Broken Legions so no waste there. 👍

10mm ECW Royalist
So Trials... and me found out about the Battle of Birmingham - and, being so local to us, it seems the perfect excuse inspiration for a TPL project.  I'm going with Pendraken - and the order is in (with Prince Rupert of course) so will share more once Pendraken catch up following their move.  As with everything I do it's very much history-inspired rather than making any claims to being history-accurate.

10mm Fenian Raids
Yes, I have mentioned this previously - and you may have seen me tweet the Osprey Canadian Campaigns 1860-70 I picked up for some background reading.  This is another one from Pendraken (my new go-to it seems!) - they have a range for the Canadian side and the ACW range has plenty to use for the Fenian Brotherhood.  These were added to the ECW order above so I'll share these in due course too.

10mm Super Secret (but it is Historical)
Nope, I'm not gonna tell you about this one (not until it is all painted!) - but it's because Mrs ADHS spotted me browsing Pendraken's website after I'd already placed the order above (doesn't everyone do that to plan next purchases?).  She encouraged me to place another order for what I was browsing ("Go on, it's only a small order from what you are looking at").  What can I say, I'm a lucky chap!

On to the stuff in planning stage:

10mm Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (and an enemy)
I've mentioned this before, but with me recently getting the pair of Osprey Man-at-Arms books on the Polish Army at this time it has cemented it as something I will do.  The only sticking point is who to get as their opponent... 

10mm Lion Rampant
I've got some early stage ideas for a little imagi-nations medieval style for this - nothing too bonkers, but an excuse to paint some colourful little knights and the like. Early stages, but like most 10mm projects if you keep it focussed it's really cheap to get the minis for a whole army at the game size I prefer.

15mm Saga Age of Vikings
I'm planning on my 28mm Irish and Shieldmaidens hitting the paint table soon - but I fancy using the great value of smaller scales, combined with easier storage and smaller gaming space needed to explore a couple of other armies at least.  Current thinking is perhaps Anglo-Danes and Normans for some 1066 type action.  Again, this is at an early stage but I'm considering 15mm to use the rather awesome Forged in Battle range for this.

10mm Napoleonic
I have a 28mm Napoleonic collection - the Irish Rebellion.  Now, sadly I can't do that in a smaller scale (unless someone has a highly secretive manufacturer of suitable Irish miniatures up their sleeve...) - but I see so many awesome Napoleonic miniatures on Twitter that I think it's inevitable I'll end up cracking eventually...

From the above I think I have come to the conclusion that I have all the fantasy/sci-fi type stuff I need (well, existing forces/projects will no doubt see some additions - Malifaux and Infinity I'm looking at you) so am developing further into the historical side of this hobby.  Whatever the case, I'm positive that I'm keeping things eclectic!

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