Thursday 1 April 2021

A change is as good as a rest...

As you may have read on this blog or my Twitter I've been sorting and organising my wargaming collection.  I've posted previously about what my thoughts were a few days ago, but I've had longer to reflect and I've come to a few realisations that, I admit, have surprised me quite a bit now that I've arrived at a level of acceptance with them.

It's going to mean some pretty big changes around here; and I hope everyone understands where I'm coming from and gets behind me!

The slog of trying to find a variety of rulesets, model ranges, even paints has just become too much.  I need a way to get that elusive hobby 'fix' in an easier way - I need to streamline and focus on only the best of the best that is out there; Games Workshop.

So, out will go the various historic collections, the various rules (lots of Osprey, but plenty of others too), and even most of the other fantasy/sci-fi stuff.  I don't think most of it is worth all that much, so I'll just scrap most of it to make space.

But fret not, this just means room for more projects! And, if you've been following me, you'll know that I can't just stick with one! So, I'm planning a couple of 40k projects and a couple of Age of Sigmar projects - if I've got both sides it'll be easier to sort games!  I'm really enthused right now, so I'm going to run through my current ideas!


Well, I couldn't resist going for the iconic Space Marines - and what better way to add variety to the collection than the Deathwatch? Yes, those alien-hunting specialists made up of members of all sorts of Chapters - lots of space there to create some chapters and their lore!  I'm aiming on getting the Deathwatch Combat Patrol first to start this part of the project:

I also think that the price for these 15 minutes from GW is absolutely incredible - at only £85 it's almost unbelievable they can get away with it.

Of course - I needed something for these Ordo Xenos soldiers to fight, so I looked around the Games Workshop site for inspiration... well what would be a better enemy for the Deathwatch than those servants of Chaos, the Death Guard?!

Come on now, surely every starter army needs a named special character to lead them - well this delivers with Typhus, 8 other power armoured miniatures and 30 space zombies.  At £85 I'm flabbergasted to be honest.

Clash of Death for sure between those two!

Age of Sigmar

This is a bit trickier - I'm going to have to get used to new names for a lot of armies it seems! To ease into it gently I thought I'd go with an old favourite of mine - now called the Duardin but old greybeards like me will still think of them as Dwarfs!

It seems they are available in the Start Collecting! Greywater Fastness box:

Even more madness - this is £60... for a whopping 13 miniatures.  OK, so the majority of them are virtually the same, but there's two characters in there! 

But I'll need some opponents for these sturdy little dudes... to be honest, it had to be those posterboys (and girls) of Age of Sigmar - Stormcasts.  I'm opting for the Start Collecting! Stormcast Vanguard box:

Again at £60 - this time for a dozen miniatures.  I noticed this includes both cavalry types and some small bird-faced hounds. So much variety!

I'm sure I'll be adding to all four of these boxes, but these will give me plenty to be getting on with! I hope you'll stick with me on this exciting new direction!

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