Wednesday 20 January 2021

The SMH scenery collection expands!

The Sengoku Monster Hunter scenery collection has expanded thanks to OSHIRO - you may remember we already have the basis for a nice sized village (see my previous post), but it's always good to have some variety to be able to create all sorts of layouts.

First up, a small town house - marked out a little from the other dwellings in the collection by its tiled roof:

And a two-storey merchant's house that'll stand out nicely from the other dwellings:

As you can make out there was some damage to the first storey tiles. Nothing unnatural looking though so I filled any air bubbles with Vallejo Plastic Putty and called it done.

Finally on the dwellings front - the rather impressive samurai house.  Unlike the above pieces, this came as two parts that required gluing together.

The final piece to join the collection is the kajiya (blacksmith).  This comes as two pieces of resin (the main structure and the roof extension) and a couple of matchsticks to make the wooden supports over the outside workshop area.  The supports were a bit tricky, but certainly not impossible:

I definitely want to add more OSHIRO stuff to the collection - the two-storey shop and the Odou are musts I think!

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