Wednesday 27 May 2020

Wildlife of Sector B67 - It came from the sump...

Like most sectors of the Underhive, B67 has its fair share of sump pools and lakes.  Those who make a living fishing for sump-pike and sludgecrabs tell tales of something that has made B67 its home.  They aren't sure what it is, but they know it's not quite right - some swear they have seen monstrous tentacles reach out of the sump, others claim to have collected mucus left behind by a giant beast as it returned to a sump lake.

Most right-thinking B67ers don't pay much heed to the tall tales of anglers - all those hours out on their own breathing in whatever comes off the sump must surely have caused them to have hallucinations.

I picked up a random second-hand miniature from Wayland's Forge in Birmingham many years ago - it was just in a baggy and I didn't know much about it, just thought it was cool - turns out it's a Rackham Chthonian Larva:

At one point it was going to be a Nurgle Chaos Spawn in a Chaos Space Marine army, but that got dropped so I thought it would fit in as some kind of unknown sump-beast for Sector B67.

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