Friday 4 January 2019

Conrad Seeschutz - Nordlander Mercenary

The infamous ‘Seadogs’ from Nordland were one of the handful of mercenary warbands to have ventured from that coastal province to the cursed city.  The Seadogs were not the most successful group of mercenaries and through a mixture of bad fortune and naïveté to the dangers of Mordheim were wiped out in a series of disastrous battles.  Only the captain, Conrad Seeschutz, survived.  Rather than return in shame to Nordland, Conrad stays in the rough shanty towns that have sprung up around Mordheim and sells his skills to whoever will pay his tab in The Rusty Horseshoe Tavern.

One of my attempts to reflect some slightly more obscure areas of the Old World/Empire, Conrad is made using the body (a torso/legs single piece) and buckler of one of the Manann's Blades from Forgeworld.  His arms and head come from the Empire State Troopers sprues (of some kit or another).  I particularly like the mermaid detail on his breastplate.


  1. Love the breast plate anddd I need to be copying that look on the sword really nice.

    1. Cheers dude! It's dead simple, but I think it helps to portray a sharpness on the blade's edge.

    2. I've ordered a darker grey so should be able to do this soon
