Sunday 6 January 2019

Burrows & Badgers

After Christmas I had a bit of money and was looking around at the deals and sales that the various game companies were running - Warlord Games didn't have anything that caught my eye, War Banner/Footsore had a good deal on - but I just couldn't decide what to get, Mantic stuff wasn't doing it for me... my mind turned back to a game I'd heard about and seen a few bits and pieces of; Burrows and Badgers from Oathsworn (via Osprey).

So I picked up the book - which is a rather nice hardback:

I'd done my reading and knew that it was the perfect kind of game for me and my wife - cute (and awesome) miniatures, fun setting and character development throughout the life of a campaign.  When I saw the box out on page 8 my thoughts were confirmed:

"Fair Warning - Burrows & Badgers is a game that doesn't take itself too seriously.  The game is meant to be fun for both players, rather than overly competitive.  If you are looking for a tournament game, this probably isn't it.  If you want to enjoy a full campaign, where your characters can change and develop over the course of your adventures, then you've picked up the right book!"

Spot on!

I've also picked up miniatures to provide us with two warbands - a warrior sisterhood for my wife and a diverse cast of rogues and trouble-makers for me.  We've got a great mix of animal species across the two warbands.

We've decided to set our campaign in The Bear's Wood - which is influenced by our local neighbourhood and the nearby woodlands.  I'll share more once we've had chance to actually write up our warband lists and flesh out our characters' backgrounds.

We're really looking forward to giving this a whirl - hoping to pick up a couple of the Sarissa buildings for the game in due course (at the very least a couple of small houses).

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