Tuesday 1 March 2022

Wild Blog Post Appeared!

The best laid plans of mice and men and all that.  But, I’m still here, I’m still at least thinking about hobby, so that’s a win right? Between a resurgent depression (managed to not follow through plans though so that's something) and *gestures at world* it's all been a struggle.

But anyway, a few bits by way of update since my last (failed) attempt to get back on the blog horse:

Black Ops
I’ve purchased two small forces for games of Black Ops – from CP Models 15mm range.  I’m going a bit imagi-nations with this, making the bad guys a paramilitary wing of the Freemen-on-the-Land movement and the good guys a special task force trying to take them and their utter nonsense down.  I’m planning quite a bit of fun terrain for this one – although I’m trying to stay the right side of post-apocalyptic looking! (whilst Zona Alfa waves frantically in the distance)

Kobolds & Cobblestones
When looking at my available scenery for The Silver Bayonet I decided to see what else I could conceivably use the same buildings and scatter for.  Well, Kobolds & Cobblestones seemed a good fit – and with Ral Partha Europe’s Demonworld range it was easy enough to put together a couple of gangs’ worth of miscreants.  I opted for the Dwarf Loan Shark and the Orc Warlord characters to lead, pretty much simply because I could get the suitable-looking single minis from RPE!

En Garde!
A further spin-off from the scenery contemplating, this is a very small project pitching Landknechts against an evil warlock of some kind.  The miniatures came from Alternative Armies and are as much an excuse to paint some Landsknechts in a less uniform style than my 10mm Empire force as anything else.

I’ve added a third army in the form of a Skaven force.  A mixture of Magister Militum’s Ratmen and 3D printed bits and bobs – got a few more bits being printed to finish this army.  As I will have some 10mm jungle and Aztec scenery I’m toying with adding Lizardmen as an opposing force (although of course the four armies can fight each other for reasons) – if I do that will be from Eureka who have all the good stuff I’d want for the scaly chaps.

I've kept adding bits and bobs to the stack of boxes awaiting their time on the hobby table.  Most recently the Explorer's Society and Outcast starter boxes and a few random single minis for OOK purposes.

I've decided to shrink the scale of my previous Outremer stuff - so out with the 28mm and in with the 15mm (waiting on an order).  This will allow me to get double-duty out of most  of the scenery I'll need for The Burning Sands and free up some storage.

As for future plans I think I’m aiming to mostly add finishing touches to existing projects so that I can really start to sink my teeth back into the practical side of the hobby rather than the theoretical and acquisition side!  More scenery across the board is a given – 10mm Rampanthammer scatter/detailing, 15mm Modern paramilitary camp, 15mm The Burning Sands stuff and .  Beyond that there’s a few more Malifaux boxes I want, mostly the Malifaux Burns new title master boxes for my favourites – although I do intend to finish off the Umbra keyword too; and Jedza still catches my eye! 

Anyhoo – the best place to keep up to date with me is probably Twitter (I’m in the friendly hobby bit, honestly, it’s a good vibe!) and I'll be ramping back up on The Wargames Website especially for Rampanthammer as that's the best place for 10mm WFB style stuff, but I fully intend to update this blog, particularly with my ham-fisted attempts at writing background fluff and any interesting WIPs, and anything I actually complete painting! (no laughing at the back!!)

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