Friday 29 October 2021

Zundrulf Redbeard - Dwarf Slayer Pirate

Zundrulf Ironhull was one of the captains operating out of the great stronghold of Barak-Varr.  His ship, The Pride of Barak-Varr, was famous for the speed and safety in which she delivered the priceless treasures across the seas.

One such voyage, while carrying a shipment of the valued Falim’s Triple Pedigree Ale, was attacked en route and although it took three ships of human pirates to overcome Zundrulf and his crew, the manlings took the cargo.  To add insult to injury, the pirates bored holes in the hull of The Pride of Barak-Varr and left the defeated Dwarven crew to sink.  Zundrulf rallied his crew and managed to steer his ship to a friendly port.  There he left his crew, took the Slayer Oath and swore to atone for the loss the only way a Dwarf could.

Finishing off this multi-year Mordheim Hireling Agency project is one of the Long Drong's Slayer Pirate minis from the old Dogs of War army for WHFB.  

I hope you've enjoyed the little snippets of story I've shared throughout this project - it has been a labour of love for sure!  I've struggled, but somehow I was able to keep going and now I get to enjoy that little sense of achievement - and on my birthday to boot! 🎉

For those that do like my little corner of Mordheim - there will still be warbands, Dramatis Personae and other bits and bobs no doubt to come so please do check back some time!

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