Tuesday 1 June 2021

State of the ADHS Nation

So it's probably been evident from the lack of posts, but I've been in a bit of a funk recently - certainly a major painting funk.  I'm coming out the other side though so you can expect the posts to start back up again. 💪

But, funk aside, I have been getting some hobby done - lots of prepping of 10mm stuff in particular so I'll talk through those in the coming days.

If you follow me on Twitter you might have seen that I've been having a bit of a clearout of projects - I reflected a lot this last month or so and I've come to the opinion that (other than the Okkultekorps of course) larger scales is for me just no good for anything bigger than a Saga force.  They take up way too much space - space that I'd rather take up with more variety (either of forces, settings, systems or what have you).

So 28mm (well and 32mm I suppose how some of them are!) is perfect for skirmish games - from the OG Specialist Games from GW to Malifaux and Infinity, taking in any of the Osprey skirmishers along the way.  But for the Rampant rules family (for example) it's 10-15mm now for me - so 28mm Jacobites and Irish Confederation have gone.  If I can source good miniatures for the Irish in the Wars of the Three Kingdoms at 10 or 15 I'll be all over it - same for the 1798 Rebellion!

I've also taken the decision to clear out some of the lower quality minis in the collection - having not enjoyed painting the Footsore Irish (which then led in part to the funk) I've realised that life is too short for sub-standard minis.  So out went the 18mm Sikh Wars (still a period I'd like to game if anyone knows of good quality smaller scale minis!) and the Irregular 6mm Crusades (Baccus looks like the replacement for that!).

It felt rather cathartic to clear out some of the projects that once upon a time I was hyped about but had stalled for so long as to feel more like a millstone around my neck. Plus it leaves more room for plenty of those 10s and 15s (and 6...🤔) so a win I think!

I've thought a lot about the next bit - should I write about it or not - and in the end I decided that I almost had to, in order to get it out of my head (which Lord knows is rough enough without extra swirling thoughts in the mix).  Something that definitely contributed to the funk was a lot of talk about 'proper' wargaming on Twitter.  I'm sure it was all in jest, but it did make me think (and let's be frank - people often let slip their truths in their jests). Am I an imposter? Either because I don't want to play games with hundreds of minis a side, or I have no interest in painting units of 30+ minis, or because I don't want to research and write a degree dissertation for every historical force I want to do.  I don't know, perhaps I genuinely am not a proper wargamer. 🤷

1 comment:

  1. Dude you are a proper Wargamer. Don't let these things bother you. It's your hobby and you hobby how you want. All my historical stuff will be loosely based on a point in history. Keep up the good work!
