Sunday 6 June 2021

Introducing The Great Scone Wars

Long ago, in lands to the South of here, there were two duchies, alike in beauty and bounty. The people of both were happy and friendly which each other, sharing bonds of trade, culture and friendship as long as anyone could remember.

However there began to form a rift between the Grand Duchy of Cournailles and the Great Duchy of Dumnoni - the scholars of modern times have tried hard to find the reason for the growing tensions between the once peaceful neighbours, but have only found evidence of a great disagreement in some fundamental belief that was unique to the two Duchies.

The Duc of Cournailles, Duc Confiture-Crème was apparently the first to issue a proclamation of war - he could stand the affront of the Dumnonians anymore it seemed.  Duca Panna-Marmaleta would not back down and rallied his troops to his banner.  With both sides prepared to wage bitter war the Great Scone Wars were about to begin.

I felt like doing a little silly Imagi-Nations stuff and ended up going for Lion Rampant (rather than more popular periods for Imagi-Nations).  I quickly determined that I could make up a couple of standard sized LR armies from just a few packs of miniatures from Pendraken's Medieval and TB Line ranges.  I've prepped them for priming and painting, but thought I'd show here the kind of miniatures I'm using.  I've only shown one of each unit type (except the Dukes) as in the bare metal there's no difference between the two Duchies so it wouldn't make the most interesting post!

First the generals - well, the two Dukes in the case of The Great Scone Wars.  These are the Mounted Generals from the Medieval Late European range and seem suitably grandiose!

Both sides feature a unit of Mounted Men-At-Arms (led by their respective Dukes).  Couldn't have this project without some knights!

These are the 14th Century Knights from the Late European range.  The Dukes will bring the number up to the required 6 miniatures of course.

I also got the TB Line European Knights on Foot, which form units of Foot Men-at-Arms in LR.  I've given Cournailles two such units, and Dumnoni gets one:

I added some Peasant Archers from the Late European range.  These I intend to use as units of Bidowers (Cournailles gets one, Dumnoni gets two - which could be combined to form a regular unit of Archers 🤔).

Finally I got some spearmen to function as Foot Serjeants.  These are Spearmen in Padded Jackets and Foot Command both from the Mid European range. I've based these on squares so they can form the Schiltron as per their special rules.

Cournailles gets one of these units, Dumnoni has two.

That brings both side up to the 'standard' 24 points for Lion Rampant, all from four 'full size' packs, one small pack and one tiny pack from Pendraken. Great value for both sides of a game I think!

Really this is just an excuse to have some colourful knights and the like in the collection - I'm planning a more serious take on Lion Rampant using my newly acquired Crusader States expansion book (possibly in 6mm just because 🤔)

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