Thursday 13 May 2021

Nellie Prepped

Now it's Nellie's turn! Now, these aren't like your typical warband or gang or whatever you in most games - there's only one that has an obvious weapon!

First up, the three Field Reporters:

The only one that was tricky to assemble was the one with camera (on the right) - the other two were very simple to do.

Now the pickaxe swinging Phiona Gage:

Again this was a pretty straight forward mini to assemble.

Finally for the Core Box - Nellie Cochran and her totem, the Printing Press:

Nellie was fairly simple to assemble - I particularly like the sheets of notepaper coming out of her satchel.  The Printing Press was... a lot of pieces. 

You may recall I also got the Scooped box to add more options for the Journalist keyword. The whole box is fairly easy to assemble.  First up from that box are the Newsies:

And yes, these little tykes can indeed wing newspapers at your opponents as an attack!

Next is the barmy Undercover Reporter, peeking out of his hiding spot:

Finally, providing the keyword with another Henchman option is Allison Dade:

These show one of the things I like about Malifaux - the huge variety in styles and themes that have been wound into a cohesive and enjoyable whole.

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