Wednesday 5 May 2021

A new dawn for Sparta!

With my discovery of Museum Miniatures (and in particular their new 'Z' ranges) I found the perfect way to circumnavigate the horribly designed official miniatures for Mortal Gods - as well as to take it into a smaller scale making additional forces more likely (double win in my eyes!).

First up I've prepped the Spartans.

I got the Greek Commanders pack which gives a random sampling of a few officer/command type packs in the hopes I'd net enough variety to do both the Spartans and the Athenians... as luck would have it I got enough for another Lochoi besides!

Anyway - these are the two I picked for the Spartans; the Leonidas-alike and the transverse crest chap:

The only very slight issue to be aware of is the cloak on Leonidas-alike which at around thigh/knee level has a very thin gap - nothing that a little putty won't fix though.

For the backbone of the Lochoi I selected the 300 Spartans pack.  This was supposed to have 8 miniatures - but I was lucky and seem to have got a bonus dude which means I can make three full units in Mortal Gods.  Here's the three poses from the pack (these poses form the basis of the Greek Z range):

I also wanted something I could use as Krypteia - the two crest style isn't available from Museum - so I had opted for the transverse crest instead.  As this is mostly to mark them as different from the Hoplites above I think this will suffice for Mortal Gods.  Again, here's the three poses from the pack - I've made up a couple of units of these:

Finally I ordered a pack of Lt Javelin-men - as my wife will be using the Spartans as her force I asked her to pick the shield type and she went for the pelta style.  These will be Helots in this force.  Again I've made two units - here's a sample of the poses:

I'm very impressed by Museum Miniatures - the quality is superb, the details enough without being overwhelming.  The prices are great value and the service was very fast too.  I'm definitely planning on branching out into the Persians for Mortal Gods using the Z range!

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