Sunday 4 April 2021

The Gall Óglaigh

Today I'll share the completed units of Gallowglass for this project - they, like the whole of both forces for this project, are from Pendraken.

I have two units, that in The Pikeman's Lament I intend to use as aggressive Forlorn Hopes (so 2 units of 6 men each).  I wanted a way to show which miniatures belong to which unit at a glance - well as much as a glance works at this scale! So, I decided to give each of the units a colour - one would be green (not leprechaun green though, a more natural tone) and one red.  The other cloth would be the same as I'm using throughout the Irish force - Vallejo Iraqi Sand (this matches well enough with the majority of fabric on show in the colour plates of the Osprey book I'm using for reference).

I've based these in the 3-2-1 basing style that I use (or some version thereof) in most projects using the Rampant rules family.

Anyway, here's the two units all done - as you've probably guessed I don't tend to flock bases all that much, but I wanted more vegetation underfoot for this project than tufts would provide.  I went for quite a dark green blend - it doesn't show up too well in photos but I'm content with my choice in real life!

I'm really happy with how these have turned out - this project has certainly filled me with great enthusiasm for 10mm.  I can fit both sides of this army, with some specific scenery pieces for the setting, in a couple of fairly compact plastic boxes - that's the kind of efficiency of storage that will encourage me to do all sorts of 10mm going forward! (seriously, Pendraken better watch out this year!)

Anyway, I'll be sharing more from the Irish side of this project periodically, I'm still waiting for a reference book for the English side to come through though so that's stalled me a little, but I intend to tackle skin, metal and wood (etc) on that side soon (follow my Twitter @alex_and__a for WIPs on this and all sorts of other projects).

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