Tuesday 16 March 2021

Family Keyword prepped

I've been beavering away at the Malifaux stuff to get it ready for priming so thought I'd share them here with some thoughts.

First up, the Family keyword - of course kicking off with the Perdita Core Box.  I started by assembling Santiago Ortega and Papa Loco as they seemed the easiest!

The trickiest bit on these two is the skull belt buckle on Santiago which is a separate bit (thankfully plastic glue is a pretty forgiving glue so there's time to move it about with the tip of a hobby knife!)

Next up was Francisco Ortega and Nino Ortega - I really like Nino's gun in particular:

Francisco has a little bit to add the ruffles to his shirt, but that was easy to affix really.  Nino's smallest bit is either the clip in the top of his gun, or the decoration on his hat.

Next I tackled Perdita herself and her totem, the Enslaved Nephilim:

The trickiest bit on Perdita is the sash - the connection point isn't particularly obvious and the Wyrd instructions don't even show it you!  The Enslaved Nephilim was pretty easy - even the chain to tie the legs together was simple enough.

Finally for the Perdita box was Abuela Ortega... this was a fiddly old build - but I'm very glad to have her in the collection as she's just so fun! I mean, where else is there a miniature of a shotgun wielding Mexican matriarch in a steam powered wheelchair?

This features lots of small bits - skull decorations hanging from the hat, her pipe, a tap under the boiler, all sorts.  Two tips - build the carriage around Abuela's lower body half and shave the heck out of the gap where the front skull decoration bit (the one with three skulls) is supposed to slot in otherwise you'll end up forcing it and potentially snapping skulls off.

As you may have seen previously I also picked up the Latigo Reserves box - first up the three Pistoleros de Latigo:

These were all straight forward to assemble, nothing tricky or fiddly.

Finally the Monster Hunters:

Again, nothing too fiddly here - the female Hunter is one of my new favourite minis - the movement, the triple-barrelled handguns, the flower in her hair and the shotgun on her back all add up to one particularly bad ass mini!

These will get the standard ADHS sand dip on the bases prior to priming - I don't think there's anything left to pick up for this crew (famous last words eh?)