Wednesday 17 March 2021

A tiny St Patrick's Day Update

Well as today is St Patrick's Day (Lá fhéile Pádraig sona dhuit!) I thought it appropriate to share the first completed miniature for the Tyrone's Rebellion special tribute project!

I'd stalled generally on a lot of hobby, but thanks to the encouragement of @wargamesodyssey on Twitter I've picked the brushes back up - and it is thanks to him that I've got moving on this project in particular.

So, here's a painted 10mm Bonnacht from Pendraken's Elizabethan range - it was a test piece to see if I could replicate somewhat the look of the colour plates from Osprey Men-at-Arms 256 - The Irish Wars 1485-1603.  I'm happy enough so the majority colour choices for the Irish side of this project are pretty much there now:

I haven't decided on a grass/tuft scheme for this project but I'll likely do that once everything is painted anyway!

I've got plenty to be getting on with for the Irish side - which gives some time for another Osprey book I've bought to help inspire the painting for the English side to arrive!

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