Friday 5 February 2021

Sabrina Falke - Bounty Hunter

The nobles of the Empire will post bounties on individuals who have committed particularly dreadful crimes, you know, like murder, treason or stealing a pigeon from a baron’s land.  These bounties can be collected by those warriors brave enough and skilled enough to hunt down and capture (or kill) the wanted criminals.

One particularly feared bounty hunter is Sabrina Falke; her skill with her favoured crossbow is second to none and she grows ever more wealthy from capturing wanted murderers, rapists and thieves.  She has travelled to Mordheim where many of the mercenaries, sell-swords and hirelings have bounties – she hires her services out to Captains partially to keep a steady income and partially to provide her with assistance in taking in the criminals.

This is a Reaper Miniatures mini - where she goes by the name of Kyla, Bounty Hunter, sculpted by the legend Werner Klocke.  I really like the mini - I think she fits right at home in Mordheim; she's a no-nonsense type! I'm particularly happy with how her expression turned out (more by luck than judgement!).

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