Wednesday 14 October 2020

Tyrone's Rebellion - Introduction part 2

I have received the rest of the minis I need from Pendraken in order to 'complete' this project (well, you know...).

First up, to add to the Irish force I ordered previously, I picked up a pack of the Border Horse (ER19).  This pack contains four sculpts - two horsemen, a leader type and a standard bearer:

I originally planned to only prep a single unit, but I figure I might as well do two such units! (better get some suitable flags I guess!)

On the English side (boo, hiss 😉) I started with the Foot Command (EL1) - which contains three sculpts; officer, standard and drummer.  These will see use across the force.

I got a pack each of Armoured Pikemen, Pike Vertical (EL4), Sword and Bucklermen in Morion (EL6) and Demilancers in Burgonets (EL8).  Each of these packs has a single sculpt which you can see here:

Finally, I knew I wanted some shot in the English force (although the Irish would have had guns too I wanted the two forces to be deliberately different in style and feel).  A pack of Arquebusiers (EL3) does the job - and contains four sculpts:

Finally, and to go with the Battlescale Pig Pen - a pack of Pigs (SCN-NML4)!

I'll use a couple of detail the scenery piece, the rest I think I might base up and use for special raiding scenarios!

I still need to order flags for the English - which will be a mixture of striped and diamond patterns based on the results of a poll I ran on Twitter, but then this project will be pretty much set!

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