Saturday 12 September 2020

Tyrone's Rebellion - Introduction


As people who follow me on Twitter or Instagram may know, my father-in-law recently passed away.  Just like with my own father who passed away last winter, I want to carry out a tribute project.  For this I have chosen to make two forces to play games inspired by Tyrone's Rebellion - my father-in-law was a proud Irishman and was from County Tyrone so it felt apt.

I decided to use The Pikeman's Lament as the ruleset and wanted to do a project in a different scale - having had a look around I came across the recently released range of Elizabethan miniatures in 10mm from Pendraken - you can see the range here.

I put together a list of what to get - I knew I wanted a couple of units of Gallowglass, these are perfect as Aggressive Forlorn Hopes in TPL.  I went for the axe-armed Gallowglass (EL11) - which handily gives enough for two such units.  The pack is made up of two sculpts:

They'll provide some nice punch to the force!

A pack of Kerns with spears and shields (EL13) came next - these will work as Commanded Shot to represent their harassing nature against the Tudor menace!  As the pack contains 30 minis, this means I can make 5 units of Commanded Shot...not sure I'd ever field them all, but I might as well make them and paint them, right? The Kerns pack also includes two sculpts:

That'll get quite a few bodies on the table!

I knew I wanted some infantry - I ummed and ahhed about using the Irish Pikeman and Calivermen but decided that I wanted the force to look and feel a little different to their eventual opponents so opted for a pack of Bonnacht with Axe/Sword (EL14).  This pack includes 30 minis from two sculpts;

Whilst that would pretty much finish the army by providing some units of Tribesmen, I wanted some minis to represent the leaders of this little piece of the Rebellion.  Alas the Elizabethan range doesn't have a command to fit with the Irish sculpts so I looked elsewhere from Pendraken and found their Scottish Foot Command (ER24), which is made up of 4 sculpts and seems to largely fit in well enough:

I plan on using the standard bearer and piper sculpts in all three Tribesmen units - and the chap with sword down will act as a the leader model for two of the units.  The pointy chap is a bit too fancy with his armour and plume and all that to represent my overall leader - so to represent Peadar Mac Thighearnáin himself I'll use a spare Gallowglass mini instead, sorted.

This was my first time buying from Pendraken and I'm very pleased indeed! This is also my first foray into 10mm.  Between the 15mm Dragon Rampant and Sengoku Monster Hunter I already have I'm starting to rather like these smaller scales.

Also for this project I've ordered some size-suitable flags from one of my go to providers (srwylde2004 on eBay) and I'm waiting on some bases for the '3' in the 3-2-1 style basing that I tend to use for Rampant rulsets.  Then I'll prep these and get them ready for priming!

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