Wednesday 21 October 2020


Today I thought I'd share my Panzerschreck team - they don't seem able to hit a barn door with a banjo, but they provide a mobile anti-tank threat (at least in theory if not in practice - but then maybe the threat itself serves its own purpose? 🤔

The team are quite dynamic, posed as though running from cover to cover to try to line up the perfect shot... 'try' being the operative word! 😅


  1. Replies
    1. 😮 that’s true!! Guess even Karl and Karl here had a single moment of brilliance 😂

    2. Ha ha ha their area denial ability is worthy alone lol it has a better range than the mighty PIAT

    3. The mighty PIAT is a legend and none shall surpass it - I admit to being terrified of the team and their high level of luck!

    4. They have been rather lucky!!
