Tuesday 6 October 2020

10mm Scenery - Battlescale

As I planned out the rest of this project I quickly realised I needed some scenery pieces that would work at this new (to me) scale.  I looked around and discovered Battlescale - they offer a range of scales and settings/periods, but a quick look at the 10mm offerings firmed up my plans!

I opted for a couple of the 10mm Crofts, to represent simple homes that will work for rural Ireland.  

There are a variety of agricultural buildings that match perfectly with the Crofts - so I picked up the Cattle Byre, Pig Pen and Thatched Stone Barn:

I also picked up a selection of hedge pieces - went for mostly straights with a couple each of corners and gated sections.  Here's one of each to give you an idea:

Finally I spotted a set of Hasty Earthworks - a pack of four felled trees/rocks that I think are generic enough to work for a range of settings. There are two different designs that you get at random - I got lucky and ended up with two of each!

The sculpts are all really nicely detailed and the casts were very clean - requiring next to no tidy up or prep beyond the usual bath! The prices are really good value too, and the pieces have a pleasing weight to boot.  This was my first time buying from Battlescale, but it won't be the last - and I can definitely recommend not just the quality, but the service too.

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