Saturday 31 October 2020

6 months of a post a day

So for the past 6 months now I've made a post a day.  It has been a mostly enjoyable challenge to myself to keep posting to chronicle my hobby, and I am certainly not stopping the blog, but I think 6 months is the right marker point to stop the self-imposed daily posts.  Of course I'll keep on sharing my hobby here (and Twitter and Instagram - feel free to follow!) but other than the Mordheim Hireling Agency Fridays, posts will be as and when the mood strikes to take a little pressure off my head.

I've looked back over the last 6 months here on the blog, and more generally, and it brought to mind a few things:

I've assembled a lot of MDF scenery... but still need to paint it all 😅

Thanks to a kind soul on eBay 3D printing mad things for me, I've got more (and more oddly specific) scatter terrain for Neo-Shinjuku than I thought I'd ever manage to get. 

I can now actually 'play it painted' - Dragon Rampant 28mm, Dragon Rampant 15mm and Broken Legions - which I couldn't do at the start of this 6 months.

I started three totally new projects - Mad Dogs with Guns, 10mm Tudor Irish v English (tribute project) and 6mm Tiny Crusades.  I did add lots to a wide range of existing projects over the time too however (especially Infinity bits and bobs as regular readers might be sick of seeing!)

I've seen the worst (GW) and the best (everything else) in the wargaming community on Twitter. The historical 'crew' are particularly friendly, welcoming and don't seem to mind me not being a rivet-counter which helps a lot!

I hate wrist joins.  Seriously.  Message to minis companies - if you can't manage a peg like the Gripping Beast Teutonic Knights (and maybe others I'm just speaking from my own experience), then don't do a freaking wrist join.  The wrists on some Mortal Gods stuff is actually killing my joy of the hobby right now and in part has helped me come to the conclusion to ease up on the posts as my hobby activity has totally stalled thanks to their design choices.  So, yeah, ban wrist joins if you can't do it right, for the love of all that is holy.

It has been a strange 6 months (and a bit longer of course) with COVID-19 and the like - but as an introvert the impact on my life has actually been positive: less physical interaction with people, less need to somehow negotiate social events whilst experiencing anxiety, that kind of thing.  Plus being able to run out and prime (when I have spray!) during patches of good weather (well I am in Britain!) is a big improvement over work breaks being small talk over the hot water tap with someone from down the corridor whose name I can't remember but I'm too polite to ask.

If you've read this far I hope you've enjoyed my posts the last 6 months (and before of course!) - and do hope that you check back for more (it just won't always be the next day 😉).

1 comment:

  1. Been great reading your stuff dude everyday but understandably that's a lot of work. Keep up the good hobby work and #banwristjoints!
