Tuesday 25 August 2020

Na Coiltte Dorcha - Ard-Bhanríon Cuileann


The Elves of Na Coiltte Dorcha are ruled by their High Queen (Ard-Bhanríon in the tongue of the Elves) called Cuileann.  She has ruled over her kind for as long as any Elf can remember, and many are the wars that she has fought against those who would threaten the Dark Woods - long slipped from the memories of most races are the names of those empires and civilisations she has laid low.

Cuileann will often take to the field of battle to lead her troops against the most dangerous of enemies.  She typically rides at the head of her personal honour guard, made up of her sisters and cousins.  These lethal warriors are skilled with both sword and bow and are mounted upon dark unicorns of ill temper.

First amongst the High Queen's kin is Seamair - who is given the unique honour of carrying the Queen's personal standard into battle.  This banner inspires courage in her people, and fear in her enemies - for it to be sighted is a sign of sure death to all who oppose the Elves of Na Coillte Dorcha.

The High Queen and her kin ride to battle!

(L-R - Seamair and Ard-Bhanríon Cuileann)

These complete the Na Coillte Dorcha project and provide a nice hard-hitting force of Elite Riders (with Mounted Missiles option).  They are from Ral Partha's Demonworld range - where they are called Wood Elf Female Unicorn Riders.  Rather helpfully they come 6 to a pack, which is perfect for Dragon Rampant!

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