Tuesday 18 August 2020

Na Coillte Dorcha - Fuinseog, An Rí Síoraí


The surest sign of the intentions of the Elves of Na Coillte Dorcha was the awakening of the incredibly ancient and powerful being known as Fuinseog, An Rí Síoraí.  

When Fuinseog marches to war, the earth itself trembles as if in fear - for this is no mere tree-spirit or woodland faerie; it is the very primordial essence of the Dark Woods itself manifested into a towering tree-like form.  With powerful limbs it strikes at the enemies of Na Coillte Dorcha, sweeping aside lesser creatures Orcs and Goblins and tearing apart the larger Ogres and Trolls.

Revered by the Elves as some deity, Fuinseog channels the emotions of those who have woken it - their unending anger, rage and hatred all feeding it and guiding its actions.

The Union fears this creature like almost no other; it has trampled over scores of its soldiers - their very lifeblood an offering to this dread entity.

Fuinseog, An Rí Síoraí

This is a Tree Shepherd from Ral Partha's Demonworld range - I added some clump foliage to give it some extra volume and texture on top!

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