Wednesday 24 June 2020

Type 4 - Codename Nachtalben

The newest development at the Lange Okkultefabrik is the fourth stable Rift creation - codenamed Nachtalben.

Taking the lessons learnt from the creation of the Nachtjäger and combining it with his own findings from attempts at Totenkorps Typ Eins A, Professor Lange has perfected the creation of intelligent super soldiers.  These elite Nachtalben are armed with SMGs and grenades and provide the Okkultekorps with yet another terrifying weapon against the hated British.

Fresh off the production line at a Lange Okkultefabrik

Nachtalben come in a box of 8 - two carry Panzerfausts in addition to their SMGs.  Most are single piece castings, but a couple have arms/slung SMG to attach - nothing too onerous though!