Tuesday 30 June 2020

Queen Skeggjöld's Host - The Engels did not come alone

When they answered the prayers of the Halflings the Engels knew they would need to muster their allies to the cause - answering the ancient pacts came the Birnir, fierce warriors all.  To the Halflings of the Merrivale they seem to be large bears, clad in heavy steel armour.  The citizens of Oldburgh that have seen the Birnir think them trained beasts of war at most.

The truth is somewhat different - the Birnir are an intelligent species, capable of communicating telepathically with higher beings such as Engels, Elves and Dragons.  They have a long history interwoven with the Engels in particular - one of the reasons why the Engels adopted symbols of the Birnir in honour of their long friendship and alliance.  The Birnir are few in number, but gladly lend their strength to the Engels' cause.

The Birnir bring strength, claw and fury.

These warbears are from TTCombat - part of their new Shieldmaidens range.

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