Monday 6 April 2020

Wildlife of Sector B67 - Six-Limbed Terrors

There are occasional sightings in some of the less-used domes of Sector B67 of fearsome creatures - with six limbs they walk and climb on their hind legs, having two sets of 'arms' which they use to clamber the bulkheads and gantries and attack their prey.

No one knows exactly what these terrible creatures are, or when they first appeared - but they have gained a few different nicknames: Sixers, Purps and Disembowelers.

I had a couple of random genestealers left over from a long-abandoned Tyranid army.  I'd got them from the Space Hulk re-release years ago.  Rather than scrap them they found a home in Sector B67 - although woe betide any newbie gang that runs into either of these:

I won't lie, I really didn't enjoy painting these - so it's just as well I never did progress that Tyranid army!

As fearsome as those creatures might be, there persist tales of a larger, ever more dangerous fiend stalking Sector B67 - known only as the Green Ghost, it seems able to hide in plain sight, lashing out at its unsuspecting victims with gigantic claws, before melting back away into nothing.  A few famous Monster Hunters have turned up from Sector DY4 aiming on making a name for themselves by taking the Ghost out - they haven't found it yet though...

From the same abandoned project I had a Lictor - I think it's the only finecast mini I own - rather than let it go to waste I gave it a quick paint job and now it's a rather nasty threat to the poor gangs and underhivers of B67:

This was actually more fun to paint than the Genestealers!