Tuesday 28 April 2020

UNORP - The War Council of Rolbu

The Commander of every army of the Union has an advisor drawn from the main Temples and Churches.  The largest armies have War Councils formed of senior clerics to provide the commanders with wisdom, tactical advice and to interpret any portents and omens that may be encountered.

The force recently dispatched from Rolbu is fighting on two fronts; first against the human barbarians and second against an alliance emerging from the Dark Woods.  It is no surprise that a full War Council accompanies the army to provide advice and assistance.

These War Councils are not mere advisors however, they are present on the battlefield channeling the powers of the Gods into magical spells of considerable power to smite the enemies of the Union and protect the peoples from harm.

The War Council of Rolbu is headed up by High-Priest Viguka of the Temple of Zunthor-Gul.  He is joined by Podagog the Unrelenting, a fierce representative of the Cult of Murz-Goldra.  Finally there is Ghamorz, Keeper of the Word - from a minor temple but a scholar of some renown amongst the clerics of the Union.

The War Council of Rolbu

These are from Ral Partha - their Orc Shamans three pack from Demonworld Classic.

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