Wednesday 19 February 2020

The Grandfather's Hand

+++Report by Sgt Mahoney, K2 Command+++
Heard complaints from the Zoho and Vick neighbourhood traders about an unaligned gang going around scaring their customers away and generally being a nuisance until the traders pay them off.  Apparently they call themselves 'the Grandfather's Hand' - my guess is this Grandfather is some wannabe kingpin starting to make his move in a low key way.

Suggest we up the contributions required from Zoho and Vick for the K2 patrols to continue there and deal with these new chumps how we deal with the old chumps...
+++Report Ends+++

Long-time readers may remember The Heralds of Hope - well these newest guys started in the same way - survivors of a long-abandoned Chaos Space Marine army.

Here's the Leader - Drahoslav:

He's a second edition Scavvy mini - autopistol and flail are his weapons of choice.

Next is the Heavy Stubber toting Kamil:

Here's Juraj - I'm not sure if that pipe is draining something away, or pumping something in:

Next we have Kazimir:

This is Matej (one of my favourite cultist minis):

Next is Vratislav:

Finally there's Teodor - I switched his combat knife out for a rough blade from GW Zombies sprue (I think they call them Deadwalker Zombies now):

Quick and dirty paintjob - but kinda suits them I think!

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