Wednesday 5 February 2020

Na Coillte Dorcha - The Dark Woods Live!

I knew I wanted a mixed feel to Na Coillte Dorcha - whilst the majority would be Elves, it was important to include other denizens of the Dark Woods, so I trawled the Ral Partha Demonworld range again and found some suitable reinforcements!

First, I got two packs of Shrublings - making a full size unit of Foot for Dragon Rampant.  These woodland elementals can represent the Dark Woods themselves rising up to march to war!

I also picked up a Tree Shepherd - providing a nice centrepiece mini for Na Coillte Dorcha:

It's about 50mm tall - so it'll tower over the rest of the force!


  1. How good is Ral Partha. They have so many ranges it's awesome

  2. Enjoy, I had a lot of fun painting these minis and adding loads of clump last year for a Dragon Rampant force.
