Wednesday 2 October 2019

The Crossroads Cult

The final* posse for Dracula's America is the Crossroads Cult.  I didn't really like the combination of minis in the starter set for the Cult, so I pieced it together from a few sources.

I really liked the Arcanist mini for the Confederacy, but knew I wouldn't collect that faction - I thought it was sinsiter enough to use as my Magister though!

I did pick up the North Star Cult blister to get a couple of key models for a Cult posse - first up the really cool Harbinger mini:

To go with the Hellhound summon from that blister I also got the Behemoth:

I wanted my gunfighters to be wealthier individuals than those depicted in the starter set so used the Bat Masterson and the Dodge City Marshalls minis from the Twilight Order box (also available in a blister from Artizan) to form the core of the posse:

I also picked up Doc Holliday and Wild Bill Hickock minis to give me a couple more well-dressed options (and something other than a pistol in the case of Doc):

This fits better with my vision for a Crossroads Cult posse - men who have gained from their participation in the Cult, but who cannot escape from their master's grasp.

*I do rather like the idea of a Woodland and Mountain Tribe Skinwalkers posse with Bear Form skinwalkers and a Wendigo!

1 comment:

  1. Love the asterisk. Should always be on any blog post that starts my final models for this game 🤣
