Sunday 6 October 2019

Dracula's America - (Mundane) Hired Guns

From the various box sets and blisters I've picked up to get started with Dracula's America there were a few left over minis that I figured would make sense as Hired Guns for the game.  First up, here are the mundane ones (ie. the not supernatural ones!) - these can even be used if you use the ruleset as a straight-up Wild West game.

First up, is a sculpt packed with character from Artizan that I intend to use as a Prospector:

From North Star there is this fiery Padre - he'll make a good Preacher:

Finally on the mundane front, I had two Ragged Diehards.  I wasn't planning on a Dark Confederacy posse, but thought they might work for Scouts or Frontiersmen (Hunting Grounds):

As you may have guessed from my Mordheim and Necromunda posts I'm a sucker for hirelings so there will no doubt be more for Dracula's America!

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