Sunday 10 February 2019

Lak Gullows, Giant

Although rare, there are occasional sightings of Giants near to Mordheim.  One of the most frequently encountered is Lak Gullows, distinctive due to his weapon of choice - a huge chunk of stonework swung by an immense chain.

Lak claims membership of the 'Boulder Club' and proudly sports a tattoo on his gut to demonstrate his allegiance.  The last person who asked Lak what it meant was smashed to a pulp after Lak made some esoteric gesture with his gigantic hands.  No-one has been brave (or foolish) enough to ask him since!

As you may have seen, I once planned an Ogre Kingdoms army for WHFB, but after that got scrapped I kept a few bits and pieces which found a home in my Mordheim project.  Lak Gullows the Giant was one of the survivors!

I decided to try my hand at a bit of free-hand on his belly - I don't think it turned out too bad!

Of course, this is the Citadel plastic Giant model - I think they call it something a bit silly now; Aleguzzler Gargant.  Still, it's a fun piece and I intend to use it for special scenarios and the like.

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