Friday 15 February 2019

Dieter of the Free Foresters - Stirlander Mercenary

A member of the famed Free Foresters regiment from Stirland, Dieter is a straight-talking, straight-fighting, straight-drinking soldier of fortune.  After a taxing campaign in the Southern provinces of the Empire, the Free Foresters were forced to seek worthy recruits.  Dieter headed North, looking for trusty and capable men deserving of an offer to join the Free Foresters.

Dieter wields his double-handed axe with consummate ease, skill gained from many years serving as a mercenary.  His gruff demeanour has gained him few friends, but he continues his search for able men to join his regiment.

This miniature is called 'Altdorf Sergeant' and was released (from what I can tell) in 1987.  It's a lovely sculpt packed full of character.  I decided on the Stirland province for my version as he seems a bit of a yokel and it helped to ensure that province was represented amongst my hirelings!