Tuesday 20 November 2018

Frostgrave Progress

I'm knee-deep in Operation Winter is Coming, so here's a quick update on my now-assembled warband for Frostgrave - the Men (and Women) of Mierce.

First up, the obligatory wizard - Cynemon:

Now, while I really like the model and it's got lots of characterful detail he is on the tiny side - hence his slate booster-cushion.  I suppose I'll just have to say that his use of magic over the decades has caused his growth to stunt compared to his fellow humans as he's way off the other Mierce miniatures.

Anyway, from the tiny to the huge - here's Penda (a barbarian for the purposes of Frostgrave):

Here's a big lad, but as he's a barbarian that's fine by me! Just in case you are puzzled, his non-sword hand is werewolf like because in Darklands the Angelcynn are shapechangers.

Next up is Penda's Mrs, Meloda who will be a Treasure Hunter:

Here's Aldhelm the Sceop (or Bard for Frostgrave):

Here's Timoth, who will be a Templar.  That hammer was a ***** to fit, so I'll have to just live with the bent handle:

Next up are the warriors, Eadric (L) and Wulfhere (R):

Finally we have the archers (L-R) Gutch, Olric and Mardith:

All of the miniatures are gorgeous sculpts with lots of characterful details without being too busy (not like GW modern plastic stuff) - but, and it is a shame, the scale is all over the place.  Of course, I don't expect every mini to be the same height, but there's no real consistency across these Angelcynn minis.  I'm sure with a cohesive colour scheme and basing style they will look like a warband, but poor Cynemon will forever look stunted I'm afraid.

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