Wednesday 20 June 2018

Sons of Spartacus reinforcements

I've got a Sons of Spartacus warband for Broken Legions assembled and primed, but wanted to add a couple of pieces before I get painting them.

The existing warband is all from the Crusader Miniatures gladiators line and thanks to eBay I was able to get the single miniatures I wanted for the list - I decided to get a Secutor to give another 'standard' Gladiator to pad the warband when necessary

Like the Crusader Miniatures gladiators I already had, this has a solid old school feel which I really like.

I also picked up the Laquerius miniature for use as a Beastmaster in the warband - he can't have a spear in the game, but it'll do to represent the hand weapon upgrade.

Of course, a beastmaster needs a beast, surely? I didn't fancy any of the stock options in the list (warhound, bear or lion) so had a browse with one of my favourite sellers (Second City Games) of great value random old minis for some inspiration and found a Ral Partha Giant Hyena from 1994 - now, this would be on the same size base I'd use for a lion and hyena are pretty savage things so figured this would make a perfect (and rather cool) proxy lion for my Sons of Spartacus!

I'll be basing these in the same style as their comrades - Warlord Games bases (you know, the really low profile ones) textured in my sand dip box I use for everything.  When primed I think the Sons of Spartacus will be the first of my Broken Legion bands on the paint station!

1 comment:

  1. Dude all these posts 😃 man I need to get writing in my blog. Ha ha ha ha
